The current study measured IC, using the Go/No-Go task online, in a large adult sample of 201 people with ASC and 240 controls. Number of both False Alarm and False Positive responses were significantly associated with autistic traits and diagnostic status, separately, but not jointly. These ...
Taskfile.yml chore: add package API changes to changelog and add gorelease tool (#… Feb 11, 2025 call.go refactor: ast.Call should be in main task package (#2084) Feb 24, 2025 compiler.go fix: special variable type errors in vars with no task context (#2107) ...
Go 是一个开源的编程语言,它能让构造简单、可靠且高效的软件变得容易。. Contribute to angenalZZZ/Go development by creating an account on GitHub.
使用此任务获取、生成或测试 Go 应用程序,或运行自定义 Go 命令。 语法 YAML # Go v0# Get, build, or test a Go application, or run a custom Go command.- task:Go@0inputs:command:'get'# 'get' | 'build' | 'test' | 'custom'. Required. Command. Default: get.#customCommand: # string...
Electrophysiological correlates of anterior cingulate function in a go/no-go task: Effects of response conflict and trial type frequency Neuroimaging and computational modeling studies have led to the suggestion that response conflict monitoring by the anterior cingulate cortex plays a key r... S ...
An emotional go/no-go task as described by Tottenham et al (2011). The test is designed to work with NSTIM image database, which case be downloaded separately. Go back to Emotional Go / No-Go Task pageAbout the Inquisit Web App ...
An emotional go/no-go task as described by Tottenham et al (2011). The test is designed to work with NSTIM image database, which case be downloaded separately. Go back to Emotional Go / No-Go Task pageAbout the Inquisit Web App ...
使用此工作可在工具快取中尋找,或下載特定版本的 Go,並將它新增至 PATH。 Syntax YAML # Go tool installer v0# Find in cache or download a specific version of Go and add it to the PATH.- task:GoTool@0inputs:version:'1.10'# string. Required. Version. Default: 1.10.# Advanced#goPath: #...
GO编程(打卡)-Task13: 并发编程 目录 并发编程 goroutine 并发安全和锁 原子操作 Channel通道 分类 worker pool(goroutine池) select多路复用 参考 并发编程 并发在图中的解释是两队人排队接咖啡,两队切换。 并行是两个咖啡机,两队人同时接咖啡 goroutine...
3) Go/No Go task Go/No-Go任务4) GO/NOGO task GO/NOGO任务 1. Objective:To investigate the ERPs of patients with OCD(obsessive-compulsive disorder)when performing GO/NOGO task and discuss the relationship between components of ERPs and the process of response-inhibition. 目的:探讨强迫症...