韩国女演员,原名高惠智现改名为高旻示,1995年2月15日出生于韩国大田广域市,身高160cm,毕业于韩国耶鲁美容高中。2016年通过72秒电视剧第三季出道,因长相酷似演员金敏喜及赵胤熙而有名。 获奖情况 ···(全部 4) 2024年第17届亚洲电影大奖最佳女配角 (提名)走私 2023年第...
*7k go get filippo.io/age # 加密解密> ncrypt -h 文件加密(推荐) *5.7k github.com/FiloSottile/age go get github.com/hidevopsio/crypto # 加密解密> crypto rsa -h [rsa -e -s hello][rsa -d -s ***][-k:rsa.key] go get github.com/minio/sio/cmd/ncrypt # 加密解密> ncrypt -...
maxAge := 10 for _, tt := range tests { age := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(tt.age) * time.Second) got := useCached(age, maxAge) if got != tt.use { t.Errorf("expected useCached(%v, %v) to return %v, but it returned %v", age, maxAge, tt.use, got) }...
Tom had enough years in to qualify for retirement at age fifty-five. First we moved. Moving is a lot of work, which kept us busy. We enjoyed exploring our new town. But as time went by, I could tell that Tom was getting bored. He began to pace like a lion, glancing out the win...
github.com/jackc/pgconn v1.14.3 h1:bVoTr12EGANZz66nZPkMInAV/KHD2TxH9npjXXgiB3w= github.com/jackc/pgconn v1.14.3/go.mod h1:RZbme4uasqzybK2RK5c65VsHxoyaml09lx3tXOcO/VM= github.com/jackc/pgio v1.0.0 h1:g12B9UwVnzGhueNavwioyEEpAmqMe1E/BN9ES+8ovkE= github.com/jackc/...
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I was about 45 mins into a 90 min massage when the woman from the front desk/reception burst into my private room telling my masseur he had a booking and dragged him away (note that they take the fee upfront so I agree, he had a booking, ME!!) There was no communicat...
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Jul 12, 2023 • 4 min read From tried-and-true Paris to storybook Strasbourg, these French cities never disappoint. By Sahar Khan*Likely to sell out: Based on Viator’s booking data and information from the provider from the past 30 days, it seems likely this...