go-getter 美[ɡoʊˈɡetər] 英[ˌɡəʊ ˈɡetə(r)] adj.摇摆舞的;最时髦的;无节制的 n.能干而有上进心的人;火箭自动制导的控制装置 网络去吧;我敢想敢做;王子与龙 复数:go-getters 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 能干而有上进心的人 ...
在线看Go Getter 3 - Get Grammar 3.3 - What did you.. 2分钟 55秒。2021 1月 25的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 26 — 已浏览。 1 — 已评价。
“Go-getter” 这个合成词表面意思是变得更好,言外之意就是更加积极向上,所以这个短语可以用来描述 “有冲劲、有进取心、志在必得的人”。它不仅可用来描述一个人的工作态度,也可以泛指人的生活、学习态度积极上进。 例句: He's a real go-getter, ...
The meaning of GO-AHEAD is marked by energy and enterprise : progressive. How to use go-ahead in a sentence.
他们应该如何改变实体的状态。不过,每个开发人员自己决定的。使用具有私有字段的 getter 和 setter 也是...
▐A go-getter 积极上进、志在必得的人 合成词 “go-getter” 由动词 “go” 和名词 “getter” 组成,“getter” 是由动词 “get” 加上后缀 “-er” 得来,在这里表示 “获得……的人。“Go-getter” 这个合成词用来描述 “有冲劲...
go-getter - Go library for downloading files or directories from various sources using a URL. go-multiproxy - Library for making HTTP requests through a pool of proxies offering fault tolerance, load balancing, automatic retries, cookie management, and more, via http.Get/Post replacement or http...
BEIJING, Feb. 21 (Xinhua) -- China's role as a major go-getter and helper in carbon reduction is increasingly prominent. A clear testament is its accelerated green transformation and key contribution to the world in terms of leading clean tech products. ...
(2)The underlined word "go-getter" in paragraph 3 refers to someone who .A.is good at handling pressureB.works hard to become successfulC.has a natural talent for his jobD.gets on well with his co-workers(3)What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
go-getter Go库,用于使用URL从各种来源下载文件或目录。 go-powerdns Golang的 PowerDNS API绑定。 go-stun STUN客户端的Go实现(RFC 3489和RFC 5389)。 gobgp 使用Go编程语言实现的BGP。 golibwireshark 软件包golibwireshark使用libwireshark库来解码pcap文件并分析解剖数据。 gopacket Go库,用于使用libpcap绑定...