本期为大家带来都市传说go for a punch 的始末还原。总结九年来国内外网友对于此动画的寻找过程和可能性分析。参考资料如下: 【都市传说吧】——红迪上go for a punch群组有了新进展。 reddit——Saki Sanobashi Go For A Punch youtube——https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2DqsAN4V 特别鸣谢:大口大口吃...
可能是咲きさんの場所?或者先、その場所?还是像reddit上面那位说的原贴的saki sanobashi只是胡编的英文谐音(son of a bxxch) 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-11-13 23:10回复 咯噔服你曼 人面犬 4 不过无论是那种都和go for a punch没啥关系啊 来自Android客户端2楼2023-11-13 23:10 回复 ...
GFAP go fo..reddit的sakisannobashitsu上,有人称看到日本人讨论这话题,其中疑似有该片的真实信息,正待其贴文。http://enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion/librejp/9.html
一场失败对我们 分享19赞 都市传说吧 咯噔服你曼 go for a punch/さきさのばし引起了一波小热度啊本来吧里都死气沉沉得了,这下一堆关于失落动漫/电影的传说帖子都被顶起来了 不过这个saki sanobashi似乎意味不明啊,不像是正常的日语 可能是咲きさんの場所? 或者先、その場所? 还是像reddit上面那位说的原...
百度贴吧 聊兴趣,上贴吧 立即打开 打开百度贴吧 综合 贴 吧 人 直播 恶魔小丑吧 何樂先生 《蝙蝠侠2·黑暗骑士》小丑全台词翻译及个人赏析 .by 何樂 分享5129 都市传说吧 欧亚斯欧尼玛 红迪上go for a punch群组有了新进展刷帖看到有关讨论,顺手一搜看到了不少新东西,简单来说,有了新的证据,这部动画很可能...
团A社 网络上不存在的猎奇视频!go for a punch浴室少女zs视频背后的真相 布拉菌- 04:24 二次元恐怖片(高能已遮挡)转载来自Youtube rinrinne XXXBDeep 04:24 慢性折磨呕吐室 浩仔不迟到 35.4万155 细思极恐!日本2ch诡异都市怪谈「用这个姿势睡觉很危险」 ...
It’s a dark truth that we are, for the most part, not in control, much as we may think we are. Maybe it’s just the timbre of The Paul Simon Voice that softens the punch, but the song manages not to be completely depressing; instead it transmits a feeling of being at peace wit...
go enthusiast subreddit the silph road, a recent pokémon go update targets players who use bots to trawl the globe for valuable pokémon. in case you forgot how pokémon go works, it's an artificial reality game that forces players to move around in the actual real physical world to find...
You wrote a piece about finding it funny but still disagreeing it was a good thing to punch the nazi. I thought: “He’s wrong!” Then, I thought: “Wait a sec, a few months ago I would’ve said the same…” We simply CAN NOT allow these people to control the world the next ...
Back then, he was a newcomer at Google, and Rob invited Russ for joining the Go team since he knew Russ from way back because of the Plan 9 project. Russ worked on the early Go compiler, runtime, as well as the leap of Go 1.5 bootstrap. Now, Russ is the tech leader of the Go...