go fly a kite : to stop being an annoyance or disturbance told him to go fly a kite go for 1 : to pass for or serve as Silvered glass once went for mirrors.2 : to try to secure or attain (something, such as a goal) go for the prize ...
Meaning of 'Go fly a kite'What does the saying 'Go fly a kite' mean? Idiom: Go fly a kite Meaning: This is used to tell someone to go away and leave you alone. Country: American English | Subject Area: General | Usage Type: Both or All Words Used Contributor: Richard Flynn ...
The reports on the belief of researchers in California that kitelike wind-power generators could tap into the jet stream to supply the world's entire electrical needs. According to researchers, wind...
1 : to be carried over a ship's side 2 : to be discarded Budget cuts meant that some projects had to go by the board.go easy : to be sparing go easy with the sugar go easy on the kid go fly a kite : to stop being an annoyance or disturbance told him to go fly a ...
afirst,weneed to guess the meaning of the words.there must be some words we do not know in english articles.at this time,wecan not look them up in our dictionaries at once.instead,try guessing them. 首先, weneed猜测words.there的意思必须是我们在英国articles.at不知道这次的有些词, wecan不...
analyse, analyze, examine, study, canvass, canvas - consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning; "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"; "analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"; "analyze your real motives" check off, tick off, mark off, ...
A.meaning B.worry C.hope D.motion 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 24 Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend Now you 21 do both at the same time. Home shopping television networks(网络)have become a 22 for many people to shop...
verb(intr, adverb) archaic, or formal to be issued: the command went forth that taxes should be collected to go out: the army went forth to battleWords Nearby go forth Goffstown go fish go fly a kite go for go for nothing go forth go-forward Gog Gog and Magog go-getter gogga...
"Our old family dog is on her last leg (meaning tired, near death). On Your Mind "That tennis match is still on my mind." On Your Toes "In ice hockey you have to be agressive and stay on your toes." One For The Road "Come on, let's play one more game of pool for the roa...
It’s puzzling; I can’t explain this contradiction or anomaly, but perhaps you can. William Safire believes this imperative came from the Yiddishgey rekhn,meaning “go reckon,” or “go figure it out.” More idiomatic English would have it as “go and figure,” but the conjunction was ...