The worlds lightest and most offroad worthy Wedge Camper, Topper & Rooftop Tent! Made in America and built for adventure, our compact truck bed camper is the best driving experience on the trail and the most comfortable night's sleep. Campers and rooftop
其他几家公司也推出了专为电动卡车设计的露营车产品,例如CAMP365 的 Model T和 Loki Expedition 的 Basecamp。 GoFast 透露,它正在开发一款新产品,声称它是“首款专为 Rivian R1T 设计的露营车和顶篷,不会破坏性能或续航里程。” 该公司正在设计 Rivian R1T Camper,因此不会破坏电动卡车的任何功能。目前,它使用...
GOFAST opens charging hub in Matran, Switzerland Apr 4, 2024 Rivian R1T is getting a new GoFast Camper and Topper to upgrade your next adventure Sep 17, 2023 Famous 'UFO' Footage Thrown Into Doubt by 'Less Extraordinary Interpretation' Claims ...
How Much Do Go Fast Campers Cost? Go Fast Campers has options that range from around $3,995 to $7,700. If you’re a solo traveler weighing under 200 pounds, you might prefer the Platform Topper. However, the Platform Camper is a bit more expensive but an option if you need more spa...
Rivian 的R1T即将推出专为电动皮卡设计的新型 GoFast Camper 和 Topper。R1T 是首款车型于 2021 年 9 月下线后首款进入美国市场的电动皮卡。 Rivian 的旗舰产品 R1T 不仅仅是一辆电动卡车。这是一款“电动冒险车”,旨在征服任何道路。 Rivian R1T 可以在 3 英尺深的水中行驶,在 100% 的岩石爬行度下行驶,并可...