goland编辑器勾选vender后会开启vendor模式。 `` go get: disabled by -mod=vendormod有三个取值mod can be '', 'readonly', or 'vendor'两种赋值方式都可以 -mod='' -mod ''
go: updates to go.sum needed, disabled by -mod=readonly $ echo $? 1 Running the go list command with -mod=mod re-adds the go.sum lines and makes the command work. Or setting go to 1.20 instead of 1.21 and re-running go mod tidy also works around the issue. CC@bcmills,@matloob...
go get: disabled by -mod=vendor mod有三个取值 mod can be '', 'readonly', or 'vendor' 两种赋值方式都可以 -mod='' -mod ''
Since go.sum is also checked in, and only needs to be changed when module dependencies are changed, it makes sense to have the rule apply to both go.mod and go.sum. When we started working on workspaces, the intention was that go.work (and go.work.sum) files would only be checked ...
这个问题似乎是在中被问到的,但是没有得到回答,所以重新发布。运行Go1.15.7时,我试图用go.mod加载Go项目,但是VS代码显示了一个带有以下错误的通知: Error loading workspace: err: exit status 1: stderr:go: updates togo.modneeded, disabled by -mod=readonly : packages.Load err ...
即使使用-mod=readonly标识,“go get”命令依然可以更新go.mod文件,并且“go mod”命令不接受-mod标识(或者其他标识) 如果使用-mod=vendor,go命令假定vendor目录有正确的依赖副本,且忽略go.mod文件中的依赖。 Pseudo-versions(假版本) go.mod文件一级go命令一般使用语义化版本作为标准格式来描述模块的版本,所以我们...
I originally posted this on Surface TechCommunity, got lots of views but havent received an answer. I was looking into using Surface Go as a kiosk for...
This package allows additional configuration of features available within SQLite3 to be enabled or disabled by golang build constraints also known as buildtags. Clickherefor more information about build tags / constraints. Usage If you wish to build this library with additional extensions / features...
go: modules disabled inside GOPATH/src by GO111MODULE=auto; see 'go help modules' $ go mod init bitcoin go: modules disabled inside GOPATH/src by GO111MODULE=auto; see 'go help modules' 解决方法:不要在$GOPATH路径下执行该命令。或者换个路径,或者把环境变量中的$GOPATH置空 ...
$ go modinitgo: modules disabled inside GOPATH/srcbyGO111MODULE=auto; see'go help modules'$ go modinitbitcoin go: modules disabled inside GOPATH/srcbyGO111MODULE=auto; see'go help modules' 解决方法:不要在$GOPATH路径下执行该命令。或者换个路径,或者把环境变量中的$GOPATH置空 ...