What to Expect from Go New York City Card Choose 3 to 7 top New York experiences and explore at your own pace with Go City. With 60 days to use your Explorer Pass and 90+ hand-picked options to choose from –there is something for everyone. Enjoy unmissable views from the top of the...
View our New York pass prices here. Save on admission to dozens of top attractions for one low price!
Go City offers unlimited admission sightseeing passes that cover hundreds of different attractions in 20 domestic and international travel destinations. They
使用Go City 游览洛杉矶,与购买单个景点门票相比,可节省高达 50% 的费用。使用探索者通票,可参加 30 多个景点、游览和活动中的 2、3、4、5 或 7 项活动。 关于此活动 取消政策 此活动不可退款 有效期: 1 - 2 月 查看可订选项,确认开始时间。
The Go City: New York City Explorer Pass is a sightseeing card that will give you access to various attractions. It's cheaper than buying tickets separately.1. Decide now how many attractions you want to access. Choose from 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 10 attraction passes . 2. You can ...
What to Expect from Go New York City Card Choose 3 to 7 top New York experiences and explore at your own pace with Go City. With 60 days to use your Explorer Pass and 90+ hand-picked options to choose from –there is something for everyone. Enjoy unmissable views from the top of the...
3. 接着您需要输入凭证代码,该代码就是您的通票号码。您可以在邮件订单确认中或 Go City 应用的“通票”页面找到该号码。 网页 现在预约 纽约街头表演观光巴士 适用于所有通票 需要预订 请浏览Go City 预约页面进行预订。预订时,您需要提供订单号和预订时使用的电子邮件地址。请记住,您的通票必须在参观时有效。
自选景点均可出示通票进入(部分景点可能需要提前预约,可在Go City应用程序上查看准确信息) 选择适合您行程的通票→使用我们的应用程序将通票下载到您的手机上→无需额外入场费,只需在每个景点出示您的通票即可入场! i无需打印,下载 Go City应用程序,使用订单确认号将通票添加到应用程序中,自行选择景点,在景点出示手机...
Go City® gives you the freedom to do what you want, when you want, whilst making incredible savings on attractions. Sightseeing just got easier…
Though I live in New York City, I actually have used an NYC tourist pass, as odd as that may seem! My friend from overseas visited and since I was going to accompany him to some attractions and museums, I looked into how much we could save by using passes.He wanted to see more tha...