Hui Zao et al.: “New Go-Back-N Arq Protocols For Point-To Multipoint Communications.” Aug. 1, 1994; vol. E77B ; p. 1013-1022; IEICE Transactions On Communications.Hui Zhao, Toru Sato, and Iwane Kimura, " New Go-Back-N ARQ Protocols for Point-to-Multipoint Communications, " ...
Go-Back-N ARQ is a form of ARQ protocol in which the sender continuously sends a number of packets (determined by the duration of transmission window) without receiving an ACK signal from the receiver. The receiver process keeps track of the sequence number of the next packet it expects to...
The Go-Back-N protocol is a form of automatic repeat request (ARQ) that controls the errors that occur during the transmission of data. This protocol enables the sender to transmit numerous packets without pausing for a response or acknowledgment from the receiver end. The receiver only sends a...
In the paper a new go-back-N scheme for communication systems using error-detecting codes is described. This scheme has a buffer at the receiver side in order to introduce a memory into the go-back-N protocol. This memory and a soft demodulation of each received symbol significantly increase...
Each message arriving at a transmitter is divided into several packets, which are continuously transmitted to a receiver according to go-back-N ARQ or selective-repeat ARQ protocols. Because of connection-oriented transmission, messages are served on a first come first served basis, i.e., ...
kcp-go - KCP - Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol. kcptun - Extremely simple & fast udp tunnel based on KCP protocol. lhttp - Powerful websocket framework, build your IM server more easily. linkio - Network link speed simulation for Reader/Writer interfaces. llb - It's a very simple but qu...
kcp-go KCP-快速可靠的ARQ协议。 kcptun 基于KCP协议的极其简单和快速的udp隧道。 lhttp 强大的websocket框架,可更轻松地构建IM服务器。 linkio 用于读取器/写入器接口的网络链接速度模拟。 llb 这是代理服务器的非常简单但快速的后端。对于零内存分配和快速响应的快速重定向到预定义域很有用。 mdns Golang中的简...
backscanner : 类似于 bufio.Scanner 的扫描器,但它以反向顺序读取并返回结果。 beyond : Go工具,它将推动你进入AOP世界! blank : 验证或删除字符串中的空白和空白字符。 boilr : 用于从模板中快速创建项目的CLI工具。 chyle : 使用git仓库的变更日志生成器,具有多种配置 circuit : 高效且功能完整的Hystrix断路...
Infrared LANs employ a Go-Back-N (GBN) automatic repeat request (ARQ) retransmission scheme at the Link Control (LC) layer to ensure reliable information transfer. To efficiently implement RR coding, the receiver may return after every DATA packet a suggestion for the suitable RR value to be ...
gollback : 异步简单函数工具,用于管理闭包和回调的执行 goworker : Goworker 是一个基于 Go 语言的后台worker gowp : - gowp 是限制并发量的goroutine池。 gpool : 管理一个可调整大小的上下文感知的goroutine池,并以这种方式来约束并发量。 grpool : 轻量级Goroutine池。 hands : 用于控制多个goroutine的执...