For an alternative implementation in Go, see two versions were written independently. Mailing list/discussion group!forum/roaring-bitmaps Releases96 Version 2.4.5Latest
Credit - Google Street Maps Dig For Diamonds Dig for diamonds at the Herkimer Diamond Mines. If you haven't done this in a long time (or ever), it's definitely something you should put on your bucket list. Collecting gems that can only be found in our area, spending some time with t...
Google Maps Go : the lighter version of the original Google Maps app. Designed to run smoothly on devices with limited memory and on unreliable networks without compromising speed to provide your location, real-time traffic updates, directions, and train, bus, and city transit information. You c...
Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Email and Password Post as a guest Name Email Required, but never shown Post Your Answer By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy. Not the answer you...
Type safe and flexible package for scanning database data into Go types. Supports, structs, maps, slices and custom mapping functions. Code first migration library for native pgx (no database/sql abstraction). A database monitoring/metrics library for pgx and sqlc. Trace, log and monitor your...
Offline MapsSave your mobile data using offline maps, while driving with up-to-date GPS navigation. Monthly updated downloadable offline maps come with precise live traffic and speed camera alerts, both updated in real-time.Get directions and real-time info on a bigger screen and in surround ...
正如这里和这里所描述的, Go语言原生的map类型并不支持并发读写。concurrent-map提供了一种高性能的解决方案:通过对内部map进行分片,降低锁粒度,从而达到最少的锁等待时间(锁冲突) 在Go 1.9之前,go语言标准库中并没有实现并发map。在Go 1.9中,引入了sync.Map。新的sync.Map与此concurrent-map有几个关键区别。标...
The second issue is SafetyNet which in my opinion is Niantic/Google's dumbest business decision. SafetyNet is like GameGuard for Android. It stops root and modified kernel from running the game. Side effect: Most chinese brand, blackberry are blocked without even being rooted.The android ...
Electricity Maps (Independent Publisher) Elfsquad Data Elfsquad Product Configurator Email Domain Checker emfluence Marketing Platform Emigo EmojiHub (Independent Publisher) Enadoc Encodian Engagement Cloud Entersoft Envoy EONET by NASA (Independent Publisher) Ephesoft Semantik For Invoices...
maps have the same problems as row-based databases, where all values of a map in a row are stored together, resulting in an inability to exploit the advantages of a columnar layout. A FrostDB schema can define a column to be dynamic, causing a column to be created on the fly when a...