(一)单词、词组:Goaway,monster (二)句子 1)...has...BigGreenMonsterhastwobigyelloweyes. 2)Goaway,...Goaway,twobigyelloweyes! 二、教学过程 (一)导入和热身 1.Freetalk Hello!Goodmorning.Nicetoseeyou.Howareyou? 2.Singasong:Ihavetwoears Guessinggame利用复习一些颜色、身体部位及其特征的单词并由...
Go Away Mr Wolf by:Lulu亲子英文绘本屋 5837 Go Away Mr Wolf by:小金牛的探索之旅 4.5万 Go Away Mr Wolf by:艾米da 3.5万 Go Away Mr Wolf! by:彤宝满宝妈 8.8万 Go away, Mr.Wolf by:陪着开心读绘本 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 ...
(一) 单词、词组: Go away, monster(二) 句子1)...has... Big Green Monster has two big yellow eyes. 2)Go away, ... Go away, two big yellow eyes!二、教学过程(一)导入和热身 talkHello! Good morning. Nice to see you. How are you? a song: I have two earsGuessing game ...
22 Go Away Big Green Monster 附:播放记录单 第二阶段 24本 书单: 23 Five Littele Monkeys Sitting in a Tree 24 Sheep in Jeep 25 The Mixed Up Chameleon 26 Down in the jungle (child's play 绿盒) 27 Goodnight Moon 28 Sheep in a Shop 29 Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush (child's p...
go away mr wolf by:安妮花哈尔滨丫米豆馆 1501 Go away mr wolf by:StoryTribeReading 4.5万 Go Away Mr Wolf by:艾米da 4.4万 Go Away Mr Wolf by:读乐儿 89.6万 Go Away Mr Wolf by:Lulu亲子英文绘本屋 3.4万 Go Away Mr Wolf! by:彤宝满宝妈 ...
go away, two big yellow eyes!,(Task1)Challenge 3 watch and order(观看视频排序),go away(走开),大绿怪是这样一步一步 go away(走开)的:,monster,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Game time(游戏时间) (group work ),Game 1 :超级大转盘 规则:1.一起倒数three,two,one让指针停下来,根据它所指的图快速说句子...
Go away, Mr. wolf, : 用手往外推或者甩手,做出赶走的动作。豆妞知道go away的意思,因为以前给她听过big green monster, goaway. said three little pigs: 伸出三个手指头,然后用手势做出小猪的模样。 And they quickly shut the door.: 左手一扇门,右手一扇门,音频讲完后两个手迅速像们一样关起来。我比...
"Go away, Mr. wolf," said the three little pigs. And they quickly shut the door. 快走开,狼先生。然后他们迅速地关上了门。 Knock!Knock!Knock! 咚!咚!咚! who's that knocking at our little front door? 是谁...
今天选了《Go Away Mr Wolf!》这本书来进行阅读实践,首先来热身吧: 大家会唱“Go away” 这首歌吗?让我们一起唱起来吧: Go Away, Big green monster go away, go away! ... go away 道具 歌曲里面先后出现过的Big green monster, scary witch, black cat, white ghost做成标签条. 带着孩子们唱过一...
今天给大家介绍廖彩杏英文书单第二周的第三本Go Away ,Mr Wolf! 它韵律简单,故事精彩,被称作是外国版的“小兔乖乖“,并且把经典的三只小猪智斗大灰狼和经典绘本 《Go Away , Big Green Monster!》结合到了一起。书中利用不同情境反复使用重复的句型,加深小朋友们对句型的印象,相信小朋友们看完这本书一定会收...