2.(Plants) a black wiry fibre obtained from the leafstalks of this plant, used for making rope, etc 3.(Plants) a Malaysian sago palm,Metroxylon sagu [from Malaygĕmuti] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998...
While fire has had a particular meaning and its own rituals in each culture, it has been part of the sacred life of all cultures. In the Mediterranean, the metaphorical description of the soul as a spark of fire added to its sacred quality. Fire also has been used to execute people in...
Jim Petersen(5thCo.) was recently inducted into The American College of Financial Services Alumni Hall of Fame. “As a longtime pillar of The College’s programs and community, as well as a clear devotee to our ideal of lifelong learning, we salute Petersen for all he’s done. We’re pr...
As all readers of American literature know, thus begins the dangerous and transcendent journey by raft down the Mississippi River toward the elusive and too-often-unreliable promise of the Free States and beyond。While many narrative set pieces of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn remain in place...
‘All ready to start?’ he said as Pippin ran up. ‘We must be getting off at once. We slept late; and there are a good many miles to go.’ ‘Osta parys dhe dhalleth?’ a leveris ev dell nesas Pypyn. ‘Res yw dhyn mos distowgh. Ni a goskas bys yn eur diwedhes; hag ...
The ultimate goal is accomplished but at what price and with how many lies。 And exactly how does a family life fit into this mix? I have read all of this series of thrillers as well as his Spider Heist series。 This is Jason Kasper at his best。 。。。more ...
‘My re welas galar ow fobel usi yn Ejyp ha klewes aga kri drefenn aga mestrysi kethneth; aswonn a wrav aga galarow; 8ha my re dhiyskynnas dh'aga livra yn-mes a leuv an Ejyptianys ha dh'aga dri a'n tir na dhe dir mas ha ledan, dhe dir a dhinwa leth ha mel, ...
Although he started selling books, he called the firm Amazon because a giant river reflected the scale of his ambitions. This week the world’s leading e-commerce company unveiled its first smartphone, which Amazon treats less as a communication device than an ingenious shopping platform and a ...
“If you don't know ... when the lights will go out ... you might as well read." --- Clive James
Susan has had her best luck using frequent flyer miles by paying the booking fee to talk with a representative (usually $25) as they see seats available on partners that are not visible in an online search. Only One Carry-on Bag for a Month in Puerto Vallarta by Lynn Benson, Guest ...