约翰·邓恩(John Donne,1572-1631)的《去吧,去抓住一颗流星》(GO, and catch a falling star),是所有选本必选的英语名诗。昨天,我想找这首诗的中译,在网上怎么也找不到。那么,我就不揣冒昧,自己动手,将它译了出来。 歌谣 [英]约翰·邓恩 去吧,去抓一颗流星, 去让曼德草的根长成一个婴儿, 告诉我,哪...
Go and catch a falling star 看《小森林》一类电影,饱满之后总拖着一条细长的遗憾。即便做饭,那样好的食材也难得。屋檐下晒冻萝卜的一幕十分触目,不知道裹了雾霾的可不可以吃? “春冬篇”结尾,市子结婚。寻找自我过后唯一呈现给观众的事实。刺痛一下,大学时读的那些女性主义理论全蹦出来。觉得导演真是个世俗又快...
約翰·鄧恩(John Donne,1572-1631)的《去吧,去抓住一顆流星》(GO, and catch a falling star),是所有選本必選的英語名詩。昨天,我想找這首詩的中譯,在網上怎麼也找不到。那麼,我就不揣冒昧,自己動手,將它譯了出來。 歌謠 [英]約翰·鄧恩 去吧,去抓一顆流星, 去讓曼德草的根長成一個嬰兒, 告訴我,...
名家诗歌译文赏析名家诗歌译文赏析:歌GO and catch a falling star,用曼德拉草变回孩提原形,Get with child a mandrake root,就像追逐一颗陨落的流星,Tell me where all past years are,何处能找回逝去的光阴。 Or who cleft the devil“s foot,是谁拖长了恶魔的脚印,Teach me to hear mermaids singing,教会我...
#诗意栖居# “GO and catch a falling star,/Get with child a mandrake root,/Tell me where all past years are,/Or who cleft the devil's foot”—— John Donne 时光易逝,青春短暂,总要记得追寻更远的美景...
换言之,诗人应该用“去抓住摇摇欲坠的流星(Go and catch a fallingstar)”与物理学上的事物运动相悖、用“让曼德拉草受孕(Cetwith child a mandrake root)”与遗传学和基因学上的繁殖与受孕不符、用“告知往昔岁月哪去了(Tell me where all pastyears are)”与时间的绵延理论之间的反差、用唯物主义的物质观...
来一下就OK了..Go and Catch a Falling Star Go and catch a falling star,Get with child a mandrake root,Tell me where all past years are,Or who cleft the Devil's foot,Teach me to hear mermaids singing,Or to keey off envy's stinging,And find,What wind Serves to advance an honest min...
Go and catch a falling star, 去吧,抓住那陨落的星, Get with child a mandrake root, 去吧,催那蔓陀罗生芽, Tell me where all past years are, 告诉我,逝去年华何处寻踪, Or who cleft the devil's foot, 告诉我,谁能劈开魔鬼之足,
2来一下就OK了..Go and Catch a Falling Star Go and catch a falling star,Get with child a mandrake root,Tell me where all past years are,Or who cleft the Devil's foot,Teach me to hear mermaids singing,Or to keey off envy's stinging,And find,What wind Serves to advance an honest ...