单词 follow the crowd/go along with the crowd 例句follow the crowd/go along with the crowdsee ⇨ COPY 8 随便看 turn on your heel turn out turn over turn over a new leaf turn sb against turn sb on turn somewhere inside out/upside down turn sour turn sth over in your mind turn sth...
2、They will not go along with you this time. Go along with赞成…… Eg. Please go along with us on this. Why are you being so difficult? 能不能这次赞成我的意思,你这个怎么这么不好相处? Eg. I’ll go along with you this time, but if you’re wrong. I’ll never trust you again....
另一个常见的用法是”go along with the crowd”,表示跟随大众或跟风。例如,“She didn’t really want to go to the party, but she decided to go along with the crowd”表示她并不真的想参加聚会,但她决定跟着大家去了。 “Go along with”还可以表示顺利或符合预期地发生,没有出现阻碍或问题。比如,...
2. "Go along for the ride." - This saying encourages going with the flow and being open to new experiences or opportunities, even if you may not have planned or anticipated them. It implies a willingness to embrace spontaneity and adventure. 3. "Go along with the crowd." - This phrase...
Amy Dickinson
Define go along with. go along with synonyms, go along with pronunciation, go along with translation, English dictionary definition of go along with. v. went , gone , go·ing , goes v. intr. 1. To move or travel; proceed: We will go by bus. Solicitors we
将“to go along with"翻译成瑞典文 följa med, göra sällskap med, hålla med是“to go along with"到 瑞典文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:The pressure to ‘go along with the crowd’ can become severe. ↔ Påtryckningen att ”följa med hopen” kan bli svår. to go along with...
将“go along"翻译成图瓦语 кадыбаар是将“go along"翻译成 图瓦语。 译文示例:Ask yourself, ‘How will I feel in the long run if I go along with the crowd?’ ↔ Бодуңданайтыр: «Бирэвесамхөйнүң талазынчечайгыл...
652 次阅读 along-crowd-G-go-the-with
•go all the way •go-ahead •go a bundle on •go •gnome •gnarly •G-man •glutz •glug •gluey •glue factory •glued •glow worm •glow 后15个俚语 •go along with the crowd •go and eat coke •go ape ...