interpolating FIR filter means we can only use integer values for this. Also, remember that using an RRC filter /will/ result in ISI. You have to use a secondary RRC filter to remove the ISI. In another posting of yours, I also saw that you used both an RRC decimating filter and the...
Core -> Filters -> Low Pass Filter -> General -> FIR Type: Float->Float(Interpolating) -> Interpolation: 5 -> Gain: 1 -> Sample Rate: samp_rate -> Cutoff Freq: 5e3 -> Transition Width: 1e3 Core -> Filters -> Low Pass Filter -> General -> FIR Type: Float->Float(Interpolating...
Filter Delay documentation improvement Interpolating FIR filter can generate C++ codegr-dtvVL-SNR bugs fixed (incorrect constants).gr-qtguiImprove autoscaling for vector sinks Fix floating-point resolution problems in several widgets, due to interpretation of PMT doubles as floats...
filter: Add C++ templates for Interpolating FIR filter Apr 22, 2021 gr-network runtime, blocks, network: Clean up use of Win headers, fix stream_pdu. Apr 18, 2021 gr-pdu gr-pdu: add time blocks and examples Apr 5, 2021 gr-qtgui ...
avg_mag_sqrd_cf.h /usr/include/gnuradio/analog/probe_avg_mag_sqrd_f.h /usr/include/gnuradio/analog/pwr_squelch_cc.h /usr/include/gnuradio/analog/pwr_squelch_ff.h /usr/include/gnuradio/analog/quadrature_demod_cf.h /usr/include/gnuradio/analog/rail_ff.h /usr/include/gnuradio/analog/random...