实际发射效果如下图所示。这里使用了RTL-SDR接收机+SDR#软件完成信号采样,采样率设为2.048MSPS,带宽32kHz,设自动增益控制,解调方式选择了CW,录制内容为音频数据;录制的音频wav文件使用Adobe Audition进行分析。由图可知,RTL-SDR成功在409.750MHz接收到来自HackRF发送的01001,且码元宽度为0.5s。 博主先后试验了100k、200...
signal_generator_cw_c(packet_len,samp_rate,(0,0),1) head = blocks.head(8,test_len) sim = radar.static_target_simulator_cc((10,10),(velocity,velocity),(1e9,1e9),(0,0),(0,),samp_rate,center_freq,1,True,False) mult = blocks.multiply_cc() fft = radar.ts_fft_cc(packet_len...
其中装ubuntu系统参考https://blog.csdn.net/cw_hello1/article/details/70186698,需要下载UltraISO软件,将下载好的ubuntu.iso镜像文件放到U盘里就可以,设置好电脑的BIOS从U盘启动,插上U盘重启电脑就可以进入安装界面了 一般ubuntu自带python环境,但还是建议通过sudo apt-get install python2.7来安装Python2.7版本,并且相...
这里需要读者本例是一个GNURadio的类似"oWorld"的入门例子。它产生两sine波形并且把他们输出到声卡的左声道和右声道。本文也证明了定义的低声调,另外一个是440Hz的高声调,合在一起他们听起来像一个拨号音。audio_sink是一个,它把接收到的信号输入到声卡中。(UHD、GNURadio和FPGA的image。参阅安装文档) 要根据图...
解决方案:sudo vi /etc/environment 末尾添加 QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 保存之后,运行 source /etc/...
cw_base+cw_bw, 100, firdes.WIN_HAMMING, 6.76) if self.low_pass_filter_am == None: self.low_pass_filter_am = filter.fir_filter_ccf(1, am_taps) else: self.low_pass_filter_am.set_taps(am_taps) if self.low_pass_filter_fm == None: self.low_pass_filter_fm = filter.fir_filter...
The orange trace shows the maximum power CW signal by itself — about -3 dBm. The “pedestal” at the bottom of the screen might include some distortion products, or might just be phase noise. If I deliberately overdrove the CW level, I got a very wide response that doesn’t appear he...
GPL-3.0 license gr-morse-code-gen This program generates Morse code from keyboard input. The audio output can be fed to a Single Sideband (SSB) transmitter to generate a CW signal. An alternative presented later can key an SDR hardware device directly. ...
lesson09a_CW_tone_Pluto_to_RTL_SDR.grc Added initial flowgraphs for lessons 1-9 Sep 25, 2021 lesson10_OOK_Pluto_to_RTL_SDR.grc Adding many .grc files from the class. Sep 6, 2022 lesson11_ASK_Pluto_to_RTL_SDR.grc Adding many .grc files from the class. ...
WARNING: This product may expose you to chemicals that are on the Proposition 65 list, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. This warning is posted because of the legal requirements of the State of California. For more informa...