接着为了可以在c++中使用gnuplot,综合各方考虑,选择了使用gnuplot-cpp这个库。 gnuplot-cpp 相较于大多数库都是用linux提供的文件库去使用字符串通过管道传参,gnuplot-cpp这个库有着较好的面向对象特性,较好的封装以及比较简洁的接口。而且其实现仅有一个头文件(gnuplot_i.hpp),不需要去写cmake,非常方便。 唯一的...
qtterminal/qt_term.cpp:51:10: fatal error: QtCore: No such file or directory 51 | #include <QtCore>这要怎么办 2024-11-21· 北京 回复喜欢 牛顿不哭 长白糕 老师您好,请问这是什么原因? 01-13· 山东 回复喜欢 木石 长白糕 好的 谢谢 后面我用傻瓜安装一键安好了 01-09· 浙江...
//文件名test.cpp#include<iostream>#include<cmath>#define PI 3.1415926#include<vector>usingnamespacestd;intmain(){doublefinal=50;intN=1000;vector<double>x;vector<double>y;for(inti=0;i<N;i++){x.push_back(i*50/N);y.push_back(sin(PI*x[i]/6));cout<<x[i]<<" "<<y[i]<<endl;...
using the "<<" operator (so you need to know gnuplot syntax). This is in my opinion the easiest way to do it if you are already comfortable with using gnuplot. If you would like a more high level interface check out the gnuplot-cpp library (http://code.google.com/p/gnuplot-cpp)....
不画右侧和上侧的边框 setborder3 setxtics nomirror setytics nomirror 任意放置标签的位置 setkey290,0.25 每种输出格式下,gnuplot的颜色数量不同。emf格式下,gnuplot有十五种颜色 lt 1 至 lt 15。lt 16也为红色,但线形变为虚线。 emf格式下的前30种点、线...
mingw-w64-cppunit mingw-w64-creduce-git mingw-w64-creduce mingw-w64-cross-binutils mingw-w64-crt-git mingw-w64-crypto++-git mingw-w64-crypto++ mingw-w64-csfml mingw-w64-ctags mingw-w64-ctpl-git mingw-w64-cunit mingw-w64-curl mingw-w64-cvode mingw-w64-cyru...
Mac OS 10.6.6下在Octave中调用gnuplot时,出现如下错误信息: dyld: Library not loaded:/usr/X11/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib Refere nced from: /usr/X11R6/lib/ libfontconfig .1 .dylib Reason: Incompatible library version: libfontconfig.1.dylib requires version13.0.0 or later, but libfreetype....
main.cpp fixed gnuplot graph Apr 27, 2023 plot.jpg fixed gnuplot graph Apr 27, 2023 Repository files navigation README Least Square Approximation C++ program to compose the least square approximation for a given data set. It generates an image with GNUPlot. List of 10 points that were tested...