Added LICENCE file (for gr_modtool) May 17, 2014 mark as deprecated in GR 3.8 Jun 15, 2020 gr-tutorial NOTE: This tutorial has been deprecated in GR 3.8. For updated tutorials, seeGNU Radio Tutorials. Releases No releases published Contributors5...
我们在Tutorial1中已经知道GNU Radio是一个工具的集合,可以用来开发软件无线电。在这个教程中,我们将要探索如何使用GRC(GNU Radio的图形化工具)。GRC允许我们图形化创建Python文件,而不是单单使用命令和代码。 在终端(ubuntu:ctrl+alt+t)中打开gnuradio-companion,让我们开始GRC的学习之旅。 $ gnuradio-companion 首先...
GNU Radio是一个能够使用户独立设计、仿真、部署高性能的无线电系统。它是一个高度模块化、面向流程图的架构。这让我们可以可容易理解处理过程,并用来解决复杂的信号处理问题。 GNU Radio目前已经有许多方面的应用,比如音频处理、移动通信、卫星追踪、雷达系统、GSM、DRM等等。 它自身并不需要特定硬件平台的支持。它也...
GNU radio 和USRP 学习手册
In this course, you’ll build flexible SDR applications using GNU Radio through exercises that will help you learn the fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) needed to master SDR. For the over-the-air exercises, you’ll need a HackRF One or other SDR peripheral.” The tutorial ...
The usage of the GUI tools in GNU Radio, which are built upon wxPython, will be shown. We will also introduce some useful programming tips on argument parsing. If you are interested in using or even developing the GUI tools, this article would be helpful....
在GNU Radio中使用cmake来作为系统的构建,因此build一个模块需要你安装cmake(最常见的是make,但是也可以使用Eclipse或者MS Visual Studio)。 回到顶部 3. Tutorial 1: Creating an out-of-tree module 在下面的教程中,我们将使用名为howto的模块。第一步是创建这个模块。
http://gnuradio/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/Tutorial sWritePythonApplications 1.3 Gnu radio 的硬件架构 GNU Radio 是硬件独立的。也就是说除了我们熟悉的USRP 以外,还有其他 一些硬件可以用GNU Radio:比如说一种cable modem tuner(型号mc4020,用 来接收FM 广播);另外还有一些业余无线电设备也用GNU Radio。 以上是一个非官方的GNU RADIO手册。 Thanks to the author for the massive effort! Then, there's the automatically generated documentation. This is created by Doxygen from the source code. I recommend making these docs the ...
Since this tutorial is only the skeleton, I do nothing in the window. Look at the classes in the Gorm main window, and use "Classes->Create Subclass" to create a subclass of NSDocument, called "Document". Figure 4-34. Create NSDocument subclass > Don't instantiate it. Instead, it ...