GNU Radio Radar Toolbox(gr-radar)是一个开源的雷达工具箱,用于 GNU Radio 平台,专为实现和测试各种雷达技术设计。这个工具箱提供了一系列的雷达信号处理模块和算法,允许用户开发和实验不同类型的雷达系统,如合成孔径雷达(SAR)、多普勒雷达和脉冲雷达等。 gr-radar 的主要功能包括: 信号生成与处理:提供了生成雷达...
本文使用 GNU Radio 搭建 OFDM Radar,实现雷达测距和测速功能。 一、GNU Radio Radar Toolbox编译及安装 参考我之前的博客,先编译及安装 gr-radar C++ OOT 库:GNU Radio Radar Toolbox编译及安装 二、ofdm radar 原理讲解 以下内容参考自硕士论文:车联网背景下的雷达通信一体化感知方法研究与平台实现 下面的公式及...
The GNU Radio Radar Toolbox is part ofGSoC14. An essential part of the application process is a proposal for your project.This papercontains much information about gr-radar, e. g. intended milestones and a rough timeline. GSoC14 starts now and has the pencil-down date on August 22. Dur...
Now you can run all testcases and install the toolbox. Ifctestresponds with '100% tests passed' the toolbox should be build correctly. ctest// run tests sudo make install// install toolbox Development progress blog Documentation For full documentation build the ...
GNU Radio Radar Toolbox Install guideChange to any folder in your home directory and enter following commands in your terminal. git clone clone this repositorycd gr-radar/mkdir build// make build foldercd build/cmake ../// build makefilesmake//...
In this article, we present the development and integration of an existing cost-effective, open-source software-defined radio (SDR) receiver into a complete, pulsed-radar system used to study meteor reflections that ablate in the Earth's atmosphere. The use of SDR technology in radar applications...
The simulation is performed in Matlab® and GNU Radio to measure range detection and its spectrum. It shows that the wide bandwidth of 1.25GHz can be achieve with the range resolution of 0.125m at start frequency of 1.5GHz and step frequency of 10MHz. Moreover, the SFCW radar simulation ...
In this article, we present the development and integration of an existing cost-effective, open-source software-defined radio (SDR) receiver into a complete, pulsed-radar system used to study meteor reflections that ablate in the Earth's atmosphere. The use of SDR technology in radar ...
B210不知道带宽是多少,我在用N210配合labview做FMCW雷达,带宽只有40MHz,理论精度大概是6~7米。如果你想要GNU Radio的框图,倒是可以在网上找到。比如“Real Time Implementation of FMCW Radar for Target Detection using GNU Radio and USRP”就提供了收发的框图。不过接收端不是很清晰。
GNU Radio Radar Toolbox Install guide Change to any folder in your home directory and enter following commands in your terminal. git clone clone this repository cd gr-radar/ mkdir build// make build folder ...