一个GNU无线树外(OOT)模块,用于解调和解码自动相关监视广播(ADS-B)消息。 特征 通过GNU Radio和OsmoSDR支持许多SDR(USRP,RTL-SDR,HackRF,BladeRF等) 支持各种采样率(2 Msps,4 Msps,6 Msps等)。 注意:当前,采样率必须是符号率(2 Msym / s)的两倍的整数倍。 消息解码: DF 0:空空监视(ACAS) DF 4:监视...
Reddit user bistromat has recently updated the GNU Radio based Mode S ADS-B decoder gr-air-modes. He has added Google maps view, a legend and zoom support to the azimuth map view, and has restructured the underlying code. The new gr-air-modes requires the latest GNU Radio 3.7 version. ...
·270 ·收稿日期:20200406; 修回日期:20200515。基金项目:中国民航大学实验技术创新基金项目(2019CXJJ04 )。作者简介::郝敬堂(1989),男,河南淇县人,硕士,实验师,主要从事监视数据处理、室内导航方向的研究。苏志刚(1972),男,黑龙江尚志人,博士,教授,主要从事...
2024 歐盟經濟議題
One SDRplay owner was able tofigure out a way to decode ATSC by using a decoder written in GNU Radio. With the process the author used we note that other wide band SDR’s such as the Airspy and HackRF should also be capable of achieving the same results. ...
MMTTY is only able to use a single COM port for both FSK and PTT keying. Hence, PTT keying will be performed with a RTS (ready to send) signal on the very sameCOM3port. For this to happen, place the appropriate check mark in MMTTY’sRadio commandmenu, underneath theTXmenu. This setu...