针对您遇到的“the compiler's setup (gnu gcc compiler) is invalid, so code::blocks cannot find it”问题,我们可以按照以下步骤逐一排查和解决: 1. 确认GNU GCC编译器安装状态 首先,您需要确认GNU GCC编译器是否已正确安装在您的系统上。您可以通过打开命令行(在Windows上可能是CMD或PowerShell,在Linux或macO...
请确认已安装至少一款编译器,如果没有可以去TDM-GCC : News(最新版本gcc 5.1.0)或Minimalist GNU for Windows(最新版本gcc 6.3.0)下载。如果安装了编译器还有问题那就是路径的设置不正确:安装之后在Code::Blocks的菜单中点击Settings->Compiler再点开Toolchain executables标签页,确认当前编译器的...
在Linux系统下安装了VMware后打开提⽰GCC没有找到的解决⽅法 [GNUCCompi。。。VMware Kernel Module Updater Before you can run VMware, several modules must be compiled and loaded into the running kernel.GCC GNU C Compiler (gcc) version 7.3.0 was not found. If you installed it in a non-...
GCC GNU C Compiler (gcc) version 7.3.0 was not found. If you installed it in a non-default path you can specify the path below. Otherwise refer to your distribution’s documentation for installation instructors and click Refresh to search again in default locations. 在终端中执行以下三条命令:...
git branch (HEAD detached at v5.4) Using instructions as described in: https://risc-v-getting-started-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/linux-qemu.html I installed gcc on my ubuntu machine: sudo apt install gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf` System v...
每次一上codeblocks就是说环境错误,can't find compiler executable in your configured search path's for GNU GCC compiler 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 codeblocks只是一个编程环境(IDE),你需要配置相应的编译器.不知道你安装的CodeBlocks是否带MinGW这个编译器,如果没有,为了简便起见,还是重新下载带编译器的安装...
codeblock安装后,提示cant find compiler executable in your configured search paths for GNU GCC Compiler 可能的情况有两个: 1)安装的是不带编译器的版本 2)安装了带编译器的版本,但是没有指定正确的路径。 解决办法: 对于第一种情况,直接在官网下载带有编译器的版本; ...
就是说在你的系统搜索路径下面没有gcc的可执行档。你先在命令行里面敲如下命令,然后把结果告诉我,我看看是什么问题。1. # gcc (只敲gcc,然后回车)2. # which gcc (一样,只敲#后面的,然后回车)
没有gcc编译器,下载MinGW-w64:http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingwbuilds/files/mingw-builds-install/mingw-builds-install.exe 下载后将../bin加到环境变量PATH中 然后打开codeblocks中的settings/compiler/ToolChain executables 将Program Files下的c compiler 等等全部设置位置到你刚下载的bin文件...
"wly-1020 - Debug":The compiler's setup (GNU GCC Compiler) is invalid,so Code::Blocks cannot find/run the compiler.Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not setup correctly?Goto "Settings->Compiler and debugger...->Global compiler settings->GNU GCC Compiler->Toolchain ...