Modular Python tool for parsing, analyzing, and visualizing Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) data and state estimates - gnss_lib_py/pyproject.toml at main · Stanford-NavLab/gnss_lib_py
gnss_lib_py gnss_lib_py is a modular Python tool for parsing, analyzing, and visualizing Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) data and state estimates. It also provides an intuitive and modular framework which allows users to quickly prototype, implement, and visualize GNSS algorithms. gnss...
Actions: Stanford-NavLab/gnss_lib_pyActions All workflows build build-python-12 pip-install pylint pypi-release Management Caches All workflows Showing runs from all workflows 278 workflow runs Event Status Branch Actor Merge pull request #170 from Stanford-NavLab/v1.0.3b ...
main .github data dev docs gnss_lib_py notebooks results tests .gitignore .python-version .readthedocs.yaml CITATION.bib LICENSE poetry.lock pyproject.toml pytest.ini requirements.txt Breadcrumbs gnss_lib_py / pytest.ini Latest commit Cannot retrieve late...
gnss_lib_py gnss_lib_pyis a modular Python tool for parsing, analyzing, and visualizing Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) data and state estimates. It also provides an intuitive and modular framework which allows users to quickly prototype, implement, and visualize GNSS algorithms.gnss_lib...