Build GNSS-SDR Finally, you are ready to clone the GNSS-SDR repository, configure and build the software: $ git clone $ cd gnss-sdr/build $ cmake .. $ make This will create three executables at gnss-sdr/install, namely gnss-sdr, run_tests and...
Clone GNSS-SDR's Git repository: $ git clone Cloning the GNSS-SDR repository as in the line above will create a folder named gnss-sdr with the following structure: |-gnss-sdr |---build <- where gnss-sdr is built. |---cmake <- CMake-related...
See Update references to the latest GPS ICDs (IS-GPS-200M, IS-GPS-800H, IS-GPS-705H) published in May, 2021. Improvements in Portability: Avoid collision of the cpu_features library when installing the volk_gnsssdr library on...
$ git clone $ cd gr-gn3s/build $ cmake ../ $ make $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig Then configure GNSS-SDR to build the GN3S_Signal_Source by: $ cd gnss-sdr/build $ cmake -DENABLE_GN3S=ON ../ $ make $ sudo make install In ord...
$ git clone$ cd gnss-sdr/build$ cmake ..$ make This will create three executables at gnss-sdr/install, namelygnss-sdr,run_testsandvolk_gnsssdr_profile. You can install the software receiver on your system by doing: ...
GNSS-SDR 支持,通过 GPS 和 GLONASS L1 信号进行实时测试并使用捕获的样本文件进行测试 GitHub上的 FPGA 源代码( 赛普拉斯 USB 控制器固件( 项目开源地址 ...
但在执行 “git clone”时,下载速度特别慢,只有 5Kb/s,无法忍受。遂百度一下,发现这个问题很普遍,大家都会遇到,解决办法我用的是这一个,亲测可用。之后继续官网上给出的操作,就可以成功安装 GNSS-SDR了。使用 “GNSS-SDR --version”检测时,版本号也是最新的 “0.0...
但在执行 “git clone”时,下载速度特别慢,只有 5Kb/s,无法忍受。遂百度一下,发现这个问题很普遍,大家都会遇到,解决办法我用的是这一个,亲测可用。之后继续官网上给出的操作,就可以成功安装 GNSS-SDR了。使用 “GNSS-SDR --version”检测时,版本号也是最新的 “0.0...
GNSS-SDR program ended. 看了一下,感觉有点奇怪的是“built-in source types: file rtl rtl_tcp uhd hackrf rfspace airspy redpitaya ”,竟然没有“soapy”,这…我得回去看看文档了,定眼一看,github上写的明明白白…如何osmosdr-support 那就是先安装osmosdr的库,再装一个gr-osmosdr的gr block,所以可以解释...
Build GNSS-SDR Finally, you are ready to clone the GNSS-SDR repository, configure and build the software: $ git clone $ cd gnss-sdr/build $ cmake ../ $ make This will create three executables at gnss-sdr/install, namely gnss-sdr, run_tests an...