(Biochemistry) gonadotrophin-releasing hormone: a peptide that is released from the brain and stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete gonadotrophic hormones that act in turn on the sex glands Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991,...
GnRH is released from the axon terminals of these hypothalamic neurons and travels (by diffusion in Agnathans) to the pituitary where it binds specific receptors on the exterior of pituitary gonadotrope cells. Upon GnRH binding, the receptor activates a signal transduction cascade, which causes ...
When perifused in CA2+-free medium, pituitary glands from juveniles of both sexes and from adult cockerels but not those from laying hens, released LH in response to cGnRH-I. This release occurred at the same time as the spike phase of the response seen in the presence of extracellular ...
GnRH is synthesized and released in a pulsatile manner from hypothalamic neurosecretory cells, reaches pituitary cells by way of a specialized portal system, regulates the synthesis and release of pituitary gonadotropins which, in turn, regulate steroidogenic and gametogenic functions of the gonads. ...
GnRH is secreted from hypothalamic neurons to control synthesis and secretion of LH and FSH. It is released in brief pulses, with pulse frequency varying under different physiological conditions. GnRH effects on gonadotropin synthesis and secretion are dependent upon pulse frequency. Although this has ...
released into the blood circulation and affect gonadal steroidogenesis and gametogenesis.25However, it is also known that GnRH is expressed in several extrahypothalamic cells and tissues. An unexpected finding was that GnRH is expressed in immune tissues and cells. Analysis of mononuclear cells by ...
Bacterial endotoxin is a principal pathogenic component of outer membrane Gram-negative bacterial cell walls and it is recognized by immune system cells as a signal of danger. LPS is released from the surface of replicating or dying bacteria into the circulation and plays a key role in the patho...
GNRH Receptor (gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor or GNRHR), also known as the luteinizing hormone releasing hormone receptor (LHRHR), is a member of the seven-transmembrane, G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family members. It is expressed on the f
During the perifusions, hCG (determined by enzymeimmunoassay) was found to be released spontaneously in a pulsatile fashion. Pulse amplitudes and frequencies of this episodic hCG secretion were increased in response to GnRH, but not affected by GnRH antagonist. Also, GnRH stimulated the hCG ...
The genes expressed in testis and male brain were examined closely to find an explanation for milt not being released on GnRH stimulation. In testis, clusters c, d, e and j depict the genes that showed high expression at the 16hpi stage, and these include CYP11A1, Tektin2, Boule and ...