例如,在Arch Linux上,你可以使用AUR助手如yay来安装: bash yay -S gnome-extensions-app 注意:这里gnome-extensions-app可能只是示例,实际包名可能不同。 4. 执行安装命令 根据你选择的安装方法,执行相应的安装命令。如果是从源代码编译,通常涉及到./configure、make和sudo make install等步骤。如果是使用包管理器...
For any other Linux distribution, you can refer to ourFlatpak guideand install the Flatpak package available onFlathub. You should also find it available inAURfor Arch Linux distros. Head to itsGitHub pageto explore more about the app and other installation methods. What do you prefer to help...
Arch Linux:AUR package Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub athttps://github.com/hardpixel/hotel-manager. License Hotel Manager is available as open source under the terms of theGPLv3 Inspired by the Gnome Shell extensionServices Systemd. ...
Arch Linux : gnome-shell-extension-shellshape-git from AUR Important note about ongoing development I love shellshape, and I love using it. But to be honest, I hate working in gnome-shell these days. It's poorly documented, breaks occasionally, and generally a pain in the ass to hack ...