Top bar(Panel) 屏幕顶部的一个水平条 Activities button (Hotspot) 调用overview的按键或者是热键区域 Application menu 显示当前正在前方执行的程序名称 Clock 时钟和日历 System Status Icons 系统状态图标,包括蓝牙、wifi、键盘等等 Status Menu 登录选项 4.2 预览界面 点击左上角活动按钮之后的预览界面: Dash 收藏的...
解决这个问题,有两个方案,一个是把窗口的标题栏放到 top panel 中,另一个是把菜单栏放到 top panel 中。可以使用 pixelsaver 插件或者 Global Application Menu 插件。 ④位于 top panel 中间的时钟。为了在 top panel 中留出足够的空间,我们需要把时钟移动到右边,可以使用 Frippery Move Clock 插件。 ⑤头重脚...
Transparent top bar 面板透明化插件,可自行修改extension文件改变透明度Media player indicator 多媒体播放状态显示插件,可以在面板显示/控制当前播放的音乐Netspeed 流量监控插件Openweather 天气Refresh wifi connections 为选择WIFI窗口增加一个刷新按钮Todo.txt 一款待办事项提醒插件,支持定制任务优先度mailnag 一款邮件提醒...
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-extensions-drive-menu SystemMonitor 扩展:GNOME-shell消息托盘,增加了两个图形显示RAM和CPU使用率。 sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-extensions-system-monitor Places Status Indicator 扩展:添加一个老式菜单风格的top bar。 sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-extensions-places-...
13、Gnome Global Application Menu(HUD for Gnome) Gnome Shell扩展,为Gnome提供全局应用程序菜单 14、Gno-Menu 是一个传统风格的全功能Gnome-Shell应用程序菜单,旨在通过简单整洁的直观界面提供所有必需品。 15、Hide Top Bar 隐藏顶部栏,概述除外。但是,只要鼠标指针接近屏幕边缘,就可以选择显示面板。如果启用了“in...
GNOME Shell extension which bring back Tray Icons to top panel, with additional features. gnomegnome-shellgnome-extensiongnome-shell-extension UpdatedAug 25, 2024 JavaScript This extension provide a popup menu with some emojis ; clicking on an emoji copies it to the clipboard. ...
The Flat Remix icon theme is a beautiful, flat Gnome Shell theme that makes your Linux desktop look amazing. It’s well-designed and takes inspiration from the material design while still maintaining its own unique style. This theme also features a completely transparent Gnome Top Bar!
白白忍受了那么长时间GNOME3反人类的切换模式。 随意生活3 Bo 3 然并卵,还不如mate,, 利锋辉光 Sarge 8 为什么我没有第4个选项 MCer Slink 5 gnome3很好呀,设置一下dashtodock和dynamic topbar,对了还有自带的AppMenu美滋滋 椰子蛋 Sarge 8 哪有反人类,难道我是外星人了,一直用gnome,坚持十...
Window Position Bar (colored bar segment in Top Bar) #476added a coloured window position bar to the Gnome Top Bar. This allows users to visually identify the current selected window position of the scrollable viewport in the current workspace. This is demonstrated in the following video: ...
clock on the top bar to see the current date, a month-by-month calendar, a list of your upcoming appointments and new notifications. You can also open the calendar by pressingSuper+V. You can access the date and time settings and open your full calendar application directly from the menu...