extra/gnome-games 3.4.2-1 (gnome-extra)extra/gnome-icon-theme 3.4.0-1 (gnome)extra/gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.4.0-1 (gnome)extra/gnome-themes-standard 3.4.2-1 (gnome)core/gnupg 2.0.19-2extra/gnutls 3.0.21-2local/goagent-git 20120727-1extra/gobject-introspection 1.32.1-2local/...
For most of Gen Con (mornings at least) you can find me doing tech work in the Monte Cook Games booth (#1935). If you see me in pants, something has gone horribly wrong. It’s kilt’s all the way, and pants on me are a sign that at least 3 seals of the gnomepocalypse hav...
How have your players handled creating family ties in your games? Or, if you’re a player, when have you had family used well? I’d love to hear your stories on how your games made use of extended relationships like these.