extra/gnome-games 3.4.2-1 (gnome-extra)extra/gnome-icon-theme 3.4.0-1 (gnome)extra/gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.4.0-1 (gnome)extra/gnome-themes-standard 3.4.2-1 (gnome)core/gnupg 2.0.19-2extra/gnutls 3.0.21-2local/goagent-git 20120727-1extra/gobject-introspection 1.32.1-2local/...
How have your players handled creating family ties in your games? Or, if you’re a player, when have you had family used well? I’d love to hear your stories on how your games made use of extended relationships like these.
For most of Gen Con (mornings at least) you can find me doing tech work in the Monte Cook Games booth (#1935). If you see me in pants, something has gone horribly wrong. It’s kilt’s all the way, and pants on me are a sign that at least 3 seals of the gnomepocalypse hav...