The robot can observe the position of your face and the positions of surrounding objects and build a state recognition model based on the meaning and spatial location of those objects. A demonstration of the system in use is shown below. Here, we first have...
Deep Attention Diffusion Graph Neural Networks for Text Classification.Yonghao Liu, Renchu Guan, Fausto Giunchiglia, Yanchun Liang and Xiaoyue Feng.EMNLP 2021[pdf] Bag-of-Words vs. Graph vs. Sequence in Text Classification: Questioning the Necessity of Text-Graphs and the Surprising Strength of ...
Abstract Meaning Representation Guided Graph Encoding and Decoding for Joint Information Extraction. Zixuan Zhang and Heng Ji. NAACL 2021 [pdf] Event Time Extraction and Propagation via Graph Attention Networks. Haoyang Wen, Yanru Qu, Heng Ji, Qiang Ning, Jiawei Han, Avi Sil, Hanghang Tong and ...
安利一个GNN方面的GitHub资源吧。有个叫本尼迪克(Benedek Rozemberczki) 的少年,在爱丁堡大学读博,他...
Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by ABB for losses, damage to persons or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like. In no event shall ABB be liable for inciden...
盘生墨堡塑±逢圭垫璺 基于模糊评判的灰色神经网络GNNM综合模型 在电力负荷预测中的理论探讨 摘要 负荷预测在电力系统规划和运行方面能发挥重要的作用,产生明显的经济效 益,负荷预测实质上是电力市场需求的预测,是电力系统调度、实时控制、运行 计划和发展规划的6口提,是一个电网调度部门和规划部门所必须具有的基本...
( 中廣核風電有限公司), a company established in the PRC and a non-wholly owned subsidiary of CGN has the meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules CGN New Energy Holdings Co., Ltd.( 中國廣核新能源控 股有限公司), a company incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability, the Shares of...
PERSONAL INFORMATION COLLECTION STATEMENT ''Personal Data'' in this statement has the same meaning as ''personal data'' in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong (''PDPO''), which includes your and your appointed proxy's name and mailing address. Your...
Abstract Meaning Representation Guided Graph Encoding and Decoding for Joint Information Extraction. Zixuan Zhang and Heng Ji. NAACL 2021 [pdf] Event Time Extraction and Propagation via Graph Attention Networks. Haoyang Wen, Yanru Qu, Heng Ji, Qiang Ning, Jiawei Han, Avi Sil, Hanghang Tong and ...
Graph-level任务是一个图匹配任务,让图中所有节点pooling得到的embedding,和各个link predictoin任务中的...