UTC -9 Time Zone ⇆⟳⇓ Anchorage 01:31 ► Fairbanks 01:31 ► Juneau 01:31 ► Chugiak 01:31 ► Eagle River 01:31 ► Spenard 01:31 ► Council 01:31 ► College 01:31 ► Sitka 01:31 ► Ketchikan 01:31 ►...
Current Time: 8:44:51 AM Current Date: Sunday, Feb 16 2025 Time Offset: UTC-9 »GMT-9 to Local Time Conversion. • Convert GMT -9 Time to specific time: GMT-9 toAmericaTimezones: AKDTAKSTADTASTBRTCDTCSTEDTESTHSTMDTMSTPDTPSTArgentinaBahamasBarbadosBelizeBoliviaCayman Is.ChileColombiaCosta...
UTC/GMT +9 hoursThe time and date in this time zone is: 3:35 AM on Sunday, Feb 23, 2025 Search for a city to find the local time.This time zone does not change for daylight savings.World time zonesTravelmath provides a database of time zones all over the world. You can use this...
Time Zone Converter Meeting planner Help videoondemand_video search TZGMT 05:39Fri 7th TZGMT-9 20:39Thu 6th TZMy local time 13:39Fri 7th GMT 05:45 Date One-hour time differences (offsets) from GMT/UTC GMT-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13...
(UTC/GMT) Time Zone Converter Use this time zone converter to quickly calculate the correct time that an event in (UTC/GMT) will take place in your local time. In (UTC/GMT), when it is: 9:00 2025年2月25日 observing Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in (Type in a Location ...
Use this time zone converter to quickly calculate the correct time that an event in (UTC/GMT) will take place in your local time. In (UTC/GMT), when it is: 20:00 2025年2月26日 observing Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in (Type in a Location to Change) it will be: 9:...
Digit: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hoursmust be between 0 to 23 andMinutesmust be between 00 to 59. For example, “GMT+10” and “GMT+0010” mean ten hours and ten minutes ahead of GMT, respectively. 当然,较好的设置timezone的方式是在服务器层面,在编程语言的配置文件中,比如 PHP...
現在的標準時間 - 協調世界時(UTC: Coordinated Universal Time)- 由原子鐘提供。 北半球與南半球的夏令時間差異 夏令時間 Daylight Saving Time簡稱為:DST,基本上都開始於春季,並於同年的秋季結束。 北半球的夏令時間每年開始於年初,也就是春季的 2~4 月之間。結束於年底,也就是秋季的 9~11月之間。
Also known as: UTC – Coordinated Universal Time, GT – Greenwich Time Currently observing GMT. Areas with same time currently (UTC +0). Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) has no offset fromCoordinated Universal Time(UTC). This time zone is in use duringstandard timein:Europe,Africa,North America,An...
On 1 January 1972, GMT as the international civil time standard was superseded by Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Daylight Saving Time (DST) Summer Time Observance as of 2025 CountryDST startDST end United StatesMar. 9,(Sun) 02:00 amNov. 2,(Sun) 02:00 am ...