The “Chess Classics” series at Quality Chess has included some important titles, includingPython Strategy, an annotated collection of Petrosian’s games, andThe Science of Strategy, a textbook of sorts from Alexander Kotov. The newest book in the lineup isThe Nemesis: Geller’s Greatest Games,...
Shay Textbook ✤✤ Taking both a micro and macro view, Advances in Health Care Organization Theory, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive volume that covers the latest in organization theory, featuring contributions from a roster of experts ✤✤ Introduces students in health administration to the ...
用户表结构如表1。 (2)教材表(Textbook_table) 教材表用来记录所选定教材的详细信息,创建了ISBN号、教材名称、作者、出版社、版次、数量、单价等字段,学校教材管理员可对表内字段进行增减、修改操作。结构如下表2。 四、创新点 本系统在给予系统管理员最高操作权限的同时,也给予了教师和学生很大的自,他们可以使用...