申请人名称(中文) GMPINTERNATIONALGMBH 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) Elbchaussee 139 22763 Hamburg 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 - 注册公告期号 - 注册公告日期 - 专用权期限 2019-04-13 至 2029-04-13 类似群 提供研究和开发服务 建筑物的设计、咨询服务 是否共有商标 ...
ChongqingJiangbeichengDistrictDevelopmentCo.,Ltd.GMPInternationalGmbH 易北大道139号 Elbchaussee139 汉堡,22763Hamburg 电话Tel+49-40-88151-0 传真Fax+49-40-88151-177 电子邮箱eMail1734@gmp-architekten.de 建筑、结构及机电设计咨询 EASTCHINAARCHITECTURALDESGN RESEARCHINSTITUTEC0.,LTD. SECTIONF-FECADI,EastChin...
Site Name 1110 All 2ALCHEM INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED 10FARMABIOS S.P.A. 1FARMABIOS S.p.A. 14FINORGA 6Farmabios S.p.A. 2Finorga 4NOVASEP PROCESS 1PharmaZell (India) Private Limited 1PharmaZell GmbH 1Pharmazell (India) Private Limited 4SOCIETE D'ETUDE ET DE RECHERCHE EN INGENIERIE PH...
Site Name 1091 All 2ALCHEM INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED 10FARMABIOS S.P.A. 1FARMABIOS S.p.A. 14FINORGA 6Farmabios S.p.A. 2Finorga 4NOVASEP PROCESS 1PharmaZell (India) Private Limited 1PharmaZell GmbH 1Pharmazell (India) Private Limited 4SOCIETE D'ETUDE ET DE RECHERCHE EN INGENIERIE PH...
Feasibility of both integrase defective LV (ID-LV) production and GMP-compliant cell manufacturing were completed with a contract manufacturing organization (EUFETS GmbH, Germany; Sundarasetty et al., submitted). Integrase defective LV are particularly attractive as their integration in the host ...
Feasibility of both integrase defective LV (ID-LV) production and GMP-compliant cell manufacturing were completed with a contract manufacturing organization (EUFETS GmbH, Germany; Sundarasetty et al., submitted). Integrase defective LV are particularly attractive as their integration in the host ...
ChongqingJiangbeichengDistrictDevelopmentCo.,Ltd.GMPInternationalGmbH 易北大道139号 Elbchaussee139 汉堡,22763Hamburg 电话Tel+49-40-88151-0 传真Fax+49-40-88151-177 电子邮箱eMail1734@gmp-architekten.de 建筑、结构及机电设计咨询 EASTCHINAARCHITECTURALDESGN RESEARCHINSTITUTEC0.,LTD. SECTIONF-FECADI,EastChin...
KA2 cells, KA2 cells loaded with TRP2 overlapping peptide pool (KA2/peptide) or KA2 cells endogenously expressing TRP2 (KA2/TRP2). The plates were developed as described by the manufacturer (Mabtech, Nacka Strand, Sweden) and analyzed using ImmunoSpot Analyzer (CTL-Europe GmbH, Bonn, Germany)...