e Enlarged details of the membrane-proximal ligand binding pocket with the electron density map for GMPCPP (6.5σ) shown in light blue meshes. Full size image Our PISA analysis depicted that the inter-ImcA monomer interface covered an area of ~2656.4 Å2 with a solvation-free energy gain (...
浸泡时间soak time 静切力(结构力) gel strength/static shear force 静损害static damage 静态挂片法static weight loss method 静态滤失static filtration 静液柱压差hydrostatic column pressure difference 静置quiescence 静止消泡时间static defoaming time 静置沉淀static settlement 居中centralization 居...
map of degree of saturation 饱和盐水 saturated salt water 背斜 anticlinal 钡 barium 苯环 benzene ring 苯酚 phenyl hydroxide 本质区别 essential difference 泵压过高 overhigh pumping pressure 比表面积 specific surface area 比吸水量 specific absorption 比重瓶法 density bottle method 避免 avoid 蓖麻油 ...
A standard operating procedure, a corporate policy manual, or a facility map are all documents. An auditor will examine these documents to assess compliance with GMP. For example, if the relevant GMP standard requires that a quality control unit be established and documented, then the auditor ...
数据可靠性管理It refers to all processes of governing by the Data Reliability Task Force through ...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
饱和度剖面图profile map of degree of saturation 饱和盐水saturated salt water 背斜anticlinal 钡barium 苯环benzene ring 苯酚phenyl hydroxide 本质区别essential difference 泵压过高overhigh pumping pressure 比表面积specific surface area 比吸水量specific absorption ...
"The first guidance document that FDA wants to produce is one on design control, because that area is going to be new foralmost everyone," said Thibeault. Trautman confirmed that the agency's Harmonization Task Force is now working on aguidance for design control, and that a second draft -...
The Board adopted the second report of the HMA-EMA Joint Big Data Taskforce. Further information and publication of the report is planned for January 2020. Key principles and roadmap on electronic product information (ePI) The Board endorsed the EMA–HMA–EC key principles for electronic product...
Nearly 80,000 domestic fowl and half the pigs in the area died as a result of the accident. Six days after the blast, the first case of chloracne, a human skin disease caused by TCDD, was reported. The company alerted the authorities by supplying a map of the area that they believed ...