1.1. In view of an old publication date,and the recent need for new guidelines arising from inspections carried out forCOVID-19 therapeutics, the World Health Organization (WHO) PrequalificationTeam-Inspection Services (PQT INS) raisedthe urgency for a revision of the WHO Good manufacturing practi...
inter alia, theresponsibilities of each party, compliance with GMP or of this guideline, andthat the product(s) to be manufactured or controlled are intended for use inclinical trials. Close cooperation between the contracting pa...
inter alia, theresponsibilities of each party, compliance with GMP or of this guideline, andthat the product(s) to be manufactured or controlled are intended for use inclinical trials. Close cooperation between the contracting parties isessential. ...
inter alia, theresponsibilities of each party, compliance with GMP or of this guideline, andthat the product(s) to be manufactured or controlled are intended for use inclinical trials. Close cooperation between the contracting parties isessential. ...