It wades through theavailable data and finds some promising findings, but raises more questions than it answers. GMOs are in their infancy in terms of agricultural time scales. We may eventually determine that they are indeed safe and desirable additions to our agricultural syste... 4 can presumably be explained by economic factors, in addition to a GM factor, such as a more competitive market price from Argentina. Indeed, Argentina is one of the world's main GM maize growers and together with the US,...
In this step the answers to the question (3) on the list of potential GMOs were found. An indication of MON88017 and MON810 was observed (Fig. 4). Two crCCS reads completely aligned with a database sequence, the first CCS read had the element order of p35S - hsp70 - cry1ab, ...
relevant risk, what counts as relevant evidence, and how that evidence should be interpreted. The answers that scientific advisors provide to policy-makers depend on the questions that are asked, as well as the relevant evidence available. The choice of questions asked is, at least in part, ...
(the main local language which one of us speaks fluently). Triangulation of information was also aided through the analysis of daily audio and video film recordings of participants’ comments, questions, answers, and deliberations. As participant-observers, we also drew on our personal research ...