I would like to think it fair if I counted it, as any proper interpretation of events and rules would mark it valid, but for the sake of technicality I am going to do what I did with the other questionable reports: Just not count it. Your math is also bad, because while you ...
- Official Google Doc results: <https://docs.google.com/a/ppy.sh/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlsSAL_F7-xDdDRDSjNMN3o3Y1Z6UzA0QUpFNzdlNUE#gid=0> - Ranking Chart: <https://osu.ppy.sh/p/chart?ch=BEST2012> (First 31 songs. 21 ranked, 10 approved) - [Full list of 2012 beatmaps (vote...
This is just due to the fact that discord is free to make servers. Ts is not. So the staff groups relied on the official ts to make their channels and what not. Discord we can just make a whole different server and have it just that one staff group. Now I wish we could have it...