Yakovleva starts to research the technique and how it’s used. She learns thatgenetic engineeringenables DNA to be transferred not only between different kinds of plants, but even between different kingdoms, meaning scientists can take DNA from an insect or animal and insert it into the genome o...
All of the mayo labels said “organic” somewhere on the label. Two of them said USDA Certified Organic. But only one had “GMO free” in addition to “organic” on the label. Coincidentally, it was the only mayonnaise that wasnotmade from one the “Big Four” GMO crops (corn, soy, ...
The acronym “GMO” has been prevalent for years, and most Americans concerned with the origins of their food areaware of its meaning. But like many marketing efforts before, agricultural lobbyists have convinced the USDA to change terminology. ...
However, milkweed density has also declined in non-agricultural areas over the same period, meaning the cause of milkweed decline is a more complex issue. Dr. Andrew Kniss, associate professor of weed ecology and management at the University of Wyoming, explains that “research does suggest tha...