If no less than64 other countries in the worldhave laws in place to label, restrict, or outright ban GMO food and/or grains, why not the U.S.? Norman Braksick, President of Monsanto subsidiary Asgrow Seed, explained it way back in 1994: “If you put a label on genetically engineered...
There are a lot of sites that will give you a lot of different definitions. But I think I’ll go with the USDA-Agricultural Research Service definition: The term “genetically modified organism” (GMO) was originally used by the molecular biology scientific community to denote a living organism...
What we do know is that the unintended consequences of the recombinant DNA process employed to create genetically engineering organisms arebeyond the ability of present-day science to comprehend. This is largely due to the post-Human Genome Project revelation that the holy grail of molecular biology...
These guidelines reflect the requirements set up in the document "Definition of the Minimum Performance Requirements for analytical methods of GMO testing" (ENGL, 2008), but also give additional guidance on how to design the experimental set up and to calculate the required values. In practice ...
ENGL-Definition of Minimum Performance Requirements for Analytical Methods of GMO Testing. Available online: https://gmo-crl.jrc.ec.europa.eu/doc/MPR%20Report%20Application%2020_10_2015.pdf (accessed on 6 November 2022). Araki, M.; Nojima, K.; Ishii, T. Caution required for handling ...
This essay on Theness.com makes a good point about GMO labeling: The government can’t regulate what it doesn’t understand, and in the case of GMOs, a functional definition of what O’s are GM and require labels may not be feasible. Texas Monthly looks at the Texas gerrymandering case...