side LEDs alone are frankly not that visible (as you can see, if you Google "GMMK Pro caps leds" you'll find a ton of people who also want that because why wouldn't you turn on the caps lock's key LED when caps is on anyway? It's a weird decision on the - stock firmware)....
虽然大家应该已对GMMK PRO无兴趣,但看到就说吧,最新发货的GMMK PRO包装盒上已无via支援的标识,也开始有新收到键盘的用户反馈,QMK toolbox无法写入Firmware。 Hello there. As Glorious has yet to provide full QMK/VIA support, I wanted to share firmware that would allow for as much functionality as po...
Then came the GMMK Pro with its CNC-machined aluminium case, first-party screw-in stabilizers, open-source firmware that didn't necessarily have the best execution, and the ability to purchase as a barebones kit to better appeal to the more enthusiast keyboard community. The more affordable ...