GME-S750-eco GME series Mist collectors that provide excellent energy savings with the industry’s best-in-class air flow Airflow(m3/min)15.8 Collecting efficiency*99.0 External dimensions(mm)H484×W408×D539 Weight(kg)Approx. 24 Download ...
Technical Information FAQ Mist collectors GME-S750 GME series Discontinued product Please contact our sales representative for details. We're here to give you quick answers to your questions. Customers thinking about buying an Apiste product Customers who already own an Apiste product Company...
APISTE油雾收集器 GME-S750系列收集器 油雾不易留在内部 价格 ¥ 1320.00 起订数 1件起批 发货地 江苏淮安 商品类型 机械设备 、 空气净化设备 、 除雾设备 商品关键词 APISTE油雾收集器 商品图片 商品参数 品牌: APISTE 加工定制: 是 外形尺寸: 120*80*60 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价,...