One element required for Eudamed's success is a translation of the GMDN codes and terms into the more than 20 different languages of the European Union. To address this issue, the European Commission has prioritized translations of GMDN codes and terms. According to the GMDN Agency, GMDN codes...
To ensure continuing permanency of the GMDN, revenues are generated through the licensing of GMDN Agency products, particularly the GMDN codes, and services, in particular the creation of new GMDN terms requested by persons needing an applicable new term and code for their product. GMDN Agency ...
? ? ? GMDN guidance and information Development and access to GMDN terms and codes Development and access to Collective Terms GMDN membership and account services The GMDN Agency website is at: V120810 2 of 49 GMDN QA Contents 1. ABBREVIATIONS ... 4 2. BACKGROUND ......
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