Towards the top right there's a section called 'check a doctor's registration status' and this includes current or historic restrictions or sanctions on a doctor's registration, including the minutes of fitness to practise hearings (unless held in private where a case relates to a doctor's ...
1. British Medical Association (BMA). Training in the UK and your visa. Reviewed Apr 2022. Available from: (accessed Apr 2022) 2. Study Medicine Europe. How ...
The BMA has opposed plans to move full registration with the General Medical Council from the end of the first year of foundation training to the point of graduation from medical school. The plans were first proposed in the UK-wide Shape of Training review, led by David Greenaway,1 and ...
doi:10.1136/bmj.h428DavidPayneBMJ (Clinical research ed.)
This article reports that doctors facing some misconduct allegations by the UK regulatory body, the General Medical Council, will escape full disciplinary hearings if they agreed to have conditions attached to their registration. "Consensual disposal" will be available for the less serious cases in ...
Conclusion The results obtained in this validation study indicate that the ELISA is suitable for measuring cortisol concentration in porcine saliva.doi:10.1136/bmj.c1462O'DowdA.PubMedBMJ