The GMAX2518 from Gpixel Inc is an 18 Megapixel Global Shutter CMOS Image Sensor that has a resolution of 4508 (H) × 4096 (V). It is available in a 1" optical format that delivers a frame rate of 139 fps (at 10 bit) & 64 fps (at 12 bit). This CMOS image sensor has a ...
据麦姆斯咨询报道,近日,长春长光辰芯光电技术有限公司(以下简称“长光辰芯”)宣布推出GMAX系列新产品:GMAX2518。该芯片分辨率为4508(H) x 4096(V),光学尺寸为1”,进一步丰富了GMAX系列产品线,为用户提供更多选择。 GMAX2518采用先进的2.5um电荷域全局快门像素设计,读出噪声小于2e-,动态范围高达66dB。得益于独特的光...