Read this article to know all about what is GMAT focus edition- the new GMAT exam announced by GMAC and how it affects your preparation.
Access an additional full-length practice exam that matches the exam format, adjusts to your progress, and helps you manage pacing. Practice Exam 5 helps you improve upon your focus areas, reassess your strengths, and get test-taking experience to enter exam day with confidence. What You’ll...
With Practice Exams 3 & 4, you can improve upon your focus areas, refine your strengths, reassess your prep progress, and grow your test-taking confidence! What You’ll Get: Two full-length, official Practice Exams Ability to reset the exam and take each exam twice (in any order) ...
完成上面账号注册后即可进入预约考试步骤,回到【我的账户】,在菜单栏选择【Exams】,找到“GMAT Focus Edition”选择【Register for the GMAT Focus Edition】,进入新版GMAT考试报名流程: 点击【Register Now】按钮,会出现考试报名弹窗,选择【Register for the GMAT Focus-TestCenter】,即可进入考试报名流程。进入下一页面...
2) How to Access GMAT Focus Official Practice Tests on MBA.comprovides six official GMAT Practice Tests, with the first two offered free of charge. Importantly, you do not need register for the GMAT exam to access these free tests. ...
老版本的模考地址: 新版本的模考地址: 最后,需要提醒大家一下,如果你今年要申请HBS的Round 1/2,请备考旧版本...
老版本的模考地址: 新版本的模考地址: 最后,需要提醒大家一下,如果你今年要申请HBS的Round 1/2,请备考旧版本。
《prep》官方模考软件,一共有6套(GMAT Official Practice Exam 1-6),其中的1-2套是免费使用,在官方注册账号即可享受。 《300难题》集合了历年考试真题,从高分库挑出300道难题,供考生体验实战高分库真实难题,如果想考高分,还是值得一练! GMAT辅助资料
进入“My Account”页面,依次点击“Purchased Products”选项,然后选择“GMAT Focus Official Starter Kit”。 再次选择Focus版本,点击“Study”按钮,等待页面跳转。 依次点击“Full Practice Exam”和“Launch”,点击“Launch”后会打开一个新的窗口。 在新窗口中,你将看到PREP 1和PREP 2以及模考记录。注意...
Below, you'll find a list of online GMAT practice exams based on theNEW GMAT Focus Test. The number ofGMAT exam practice testsis based on the available questions in the question bank. Just like the official GMAT exam, each test automatically adapts based on your performance. ...