6月7日凌晨,GMAT Official Guide2023-2024终于如期发售,对应新版GMAT Focus Edition(需要领取电子版资料的友友可以添加 @武汉雷哥GMAT (首页添加微信)免费领取~) 01 GMAT Official Guide 俗称OG,GMAC每年都会更新一版OG来保证备考材料的迭代,但每一年的OG材料题目变化并不是很大,且都是提前一年就会出新版OG,帮助考生...
Advanced300 全称是《GMAT Official Advanced Questions》,是由GMAC官方出的真题集,是从历年考试真题从700+高分库挑出300道难题,想要冲击高分,最好刷一刷这个,但是你只不要是考旧版(旧版24年1月31日就没了),就不要刷advanced 300的SC!! 重点是刷数学跟rc,cr!!! GMAT官网上面这玩意是要钱买的,价格为29.9美元。
According to the GMAC, the new GMAT Focus Edition enables students to prepare faster due to its leaner format. With the removal of the Analytical Writing Assessment, Sentence Correction in Verbal, and Geometry in Quant, the exam has less content to cover. However, the primary goal of the GMA...
GMAC’s GMAT Official Guide (OG)–The newest edition of the e-book and online question bank is here: OG 2023-2024. If you are going to buy a new guide, get that one. Want a paper copy? Check out this link. Word to the wise: Don’t write in the official guide or any prep ...
GMAT考生都知道,如果你准备考GMAT,那一定要先把OG给拿下, 可以说OG是新版GMAT考试必看的资料。 OG基本上是每年会更新一版,目前最新版的就是OG 2023-2024,也称OG 23,适用于新版GMAT Focus Edition考试。 OG,全称“Official Guide for GMAT Review”,它...
GMAC’sGMAT Official Guide(OG)–The newest edition of the e-book and online question bank is here:OG 2023-2024. If you are going to buy a new guide, get that one. Want a paper copy? Check outthis link. Word to the wise: Don’t write in the official guide or any prep books. ...
Exclusive access to online diagnostic evaluations to discover your strengths and focus areas Detailed answer explanations to master the reasoning behind the answers New! Get exclusive exam preparation tips from test prep organizations Use this guide to: Master the exam structure and excel in each sect...
GMAT™ Focus Edition考试是全球商学院都广泛使用的标准化考试,由GMAC主办。考试成绩展示了申请人对就读商学院的准备情况,是申请人是否能在学术上获得成功的一项重要指标,并涵盖了院校关注的成为商业领袖所需的技能和相关商业理念。 该考试被全球2400多所商学院的7700多个项目所接受。 备考GMAT这件事,向来是件技术活...
2nd Edition, with 300 practice questions from past GMAT exams and answer explanations to improve your verbal skills Download GMAT® Paper Tests to practice with real, retired tests Diagnose your GMAT quantitative strengths and weaknesses with GMAT Focus® Practice for the GMAT Analytical Writing ...
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the GMAT team atgmatprogram@gmac.com. Sample Score Reports The Official Score Report you receive for the GMAT™ may include scores for both editions of the exam: The GMAT™ Exam (Focus Edition) section will only include the scores that th...