这是一部关于gcc,gmake和glibc的血泪史,上周我们在高版本的glibc下安装好了RosettaFold2,以为成功通过高版本向下兼容解决了glibc-2.27依赖项的问题。然而这周我运行RosettaFold2时,又一次出现了缺少glibc-2.27依赖项的报错T_T, 真的是欲哭无泪。 我可以很负责任的告诉大家,经过尝试glibc从2.27至3.32的所有版本,得...
What I didn't mention before is that I didn't even change anything in CCS in between successful and failing builds. I didn't even close it. All I did was run Gmake from the command line, targeting this first hello world example. Which was, and still is, working fine by the way. O...
编译Qt ./configure的时候出现标题上错误,原因是压缩包解压时候的问题,我用的(下载的源码包)可能是windows版本的,移植到Linux上可能就出现这样的问题了。 references: http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/8803-You-don-t-seem-to-have-make-or-gmake-in-your-PATH http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7353703/erro...
从字面上看,是你要include的库没找到(can't create /df8003/obj/edbtypes_prj_drs.o: No such file or directory)。下面讨论来自论坛,仅供参考:安装gdb的时候报错,make[1] leaving directory和make error 2 [问题点数:40分,结帖人u013495316]先是解压了那个arm-linux-gdb-7.5的包, 然...
相关推荐 15.无论如何她都不能原谅我。he will never be able toforgive me. 2对他们而言没必要现在就完成这个任务.译为英语 33.青少年太年轻而不能自己做决定。Teenagers areyoungmake their owndecisions. 4【题目】4.有时,决定或许太难了而不能坚持。Sometimes the resolutions may be ...
We are getting closer, but not there yet. After fixing the path to get at some of the modules, it complains that it can't open adc.h which is in the same folder as adc.c that it DID find and open. The following is the first part of the output showing the error inbold text: ...
I tried compiling and installing version 3.80 to see if it would compile for me but it didn't so I would rather work on the issue version 3.79.1 4) I have not done a "make clean" first. Would I just type in "make clean" and then follow the steps of the ...
Stop. E:\Program Files\NXP MBDT\gpio_s32k11x_mbd_rtw>echo The make command returned an error of 2 The make command returned an error of 2 E:\Program Files\NXP MBDT\gpio_s32k11x_mbd_rtw>exit 1 Error(s) encountered while building "gpio_s32k11x": ### Failed to generate all bin...
[cla_task.obj] Error 1 T:\Institut\1050_QVM_40.29_EA_alle\Exchange\Project_TI_EvalBoard\Group1\FINAL_ADC_PWM_float_ert_rtw>echo The make command returned an error of 2 The make command returned an error of 2 T:\Institut\1050_QVM_40.29_EA_alle\Exchange\Proje...
9迷宫寻宝。(找到5个单词,并写出来)和7armbadoeppearesitgelevenelephantegrandpaboutgmakefriendsr迷宫寻宝.(找到 5 个单词,并写出来) a r m b a d o e ppe a r e s i t g : :. ∵ ele∨enelephan t e g r a n d pa b o u t g makefriendsi :﹑ :. .': ...