1.UseGmailOfflineWithGoogleGears IfyouhaveGoogleGearsinstalled,youcanuseGmailontheWebjustlikeyouwereusingitfromadesktopclient.Itrunsinthreemodes,online,offline,and"flakyconnection"forthosetimeswhenyoucan'tcountonagoodsignal. Ifyousendmessagewhileyou'reoffline,yourmessagewillbesentwhileyoureconnect,andyoucan...
If you're looking for other ways to manage your Gmail on Windows, consider linking your Gmail account to the built-in Windows Mail app. To do so, follow these steps: Open the Mail app on your Windows PC. Click on the Settings icon (gear icon) in the bottom-left corner. Settings Tab...
By getting a Gmail app for Windows, you might have all your emails at your fingertips, available both online and offline, with nothing distracting you or decreasing your productivity. The fast and easy way to gain instant access to your Gmail from your desktop by creating a shortcut, enhancin...
On the next page, you will need to enter in the unique code that Google sent you (either via a phone call or text message, depending on which one you chose): Hit “Next” and then review the following page before clicking on “Turn On”: Once you click “Turn On”, you’re all ...
Also, check Turn off Simple filter delivery if you'd rather not receive junk mails. Doing so prevents unwanted newsletters from cluttering your inbox. Meanwhile, if you're interested in setting up a second email address specifically for blogging purposes, we recommend checking out Posteo. Its ...
More Gmail Shortcut Keys (Just Turn ’em On) Not handy enough for ya? We’ve got more Gmail shortcut keys, but you need to switch them on manually first. Just hit the gear icon in the upper right corner and select settings. Head to “keyboard shortcuts,” switch them on, then scro...
As soon as you turn KeyChain iCloud sync back on, Google is back. Therefore, it's not something on the Mac, it's to do with iCloud. I assume it's something like iCloud needs a little more time to sync the deletion but, usually, the addition is synced from another Mac before ...
gmail_tips Tips to become a master of your inbox — www.gmail.com/tips many more.
The benefit of using queued email is that you can use offline mode. That means that you can compose emails but not worry about them being sent automatically. Can I turn off queued emails? You can’t necessarily turn off a queued email. ...
Thirdly,customization: although it offers an appreciable level of customization, Gmail remains more limited than some of its competitors on this point. Some people might prefer to turn to a much more flexible service. All these reasons can therefore encourage us to look elsewhere. And that’s wh...