Use Gmail Search to find archived emails, emails by address, dates, exact phrase, labels, names, phone numbers ,sender, size, unread and by year.
Homework 1. VOCABULARY EXTENSION:Choose several of the words from the text. Use a dictionary or Google’s search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word. 2. INTERNET:Search the Internet and find out more about this news story. Share what y...
This, this what is happening now, is revolutionary, profoundly revolutionary. The whole electronic apparatus is simply redefining who and what an “author” is. The categories of “book,”“editor,”“publisher,”“audience,”“reader,” are in flux at least if not collapsing, transforming befor...
You might use your own flair and brand voice to craft a compelling email message, instead of the standard “whitelist this email” phrase. Digital marketing agencyYokel Localdoes this well in their re-engagement campaign aimed at reconnecting with customers who may not be opening their emails: W...
The first step is to think about what factors would make an incoming message fit into a particular label — whether it’s the sender’s email address or domain name, a specific word or phrase in the subject line, or maybe even the address to which the message was sent. In my own inbo...
My use of the phrase “nuanced reading” is intended to emphasize the acuity of Buckton’s thesis about the text of Ian Fleming’s life and its influence on his writing. To be sure, the most accomplished biographical writing offers more than an inventory of facts, typically by probing its...
Even if you phrase your prompts very specifically, the results may still sound canned. Help Me Write often delivers generic prose. IDG Redundant content: Help Me Write may generate text that basically says the same thing as text it generated before. This can happen when you have i...
MONDEGREEN: a word or phrase that results from a mishearing of something said or sung ORIGIN: from the mishearing in a Scottish ballad of“laid him on the green”as“Lady Mondegreen” During an author (Michael W. Clune, GAMELIFE) and editor (Dan Piepenbring, THE PARIS REVIEW) conversation...
This phrase means “in that case” “if that’s the situation”, normally in the very beginning of the sentence 6. 对了Duì le This phrase means “by the way” to metion something 7. 算了Suàn le This word should be translated to “let it go” but more the sence of “anyways” to...
Subject:Emails that contain specific words in it. Use double quotes (") if you want to search for an exact phrase. Has the words:Searches for words in the body of the message. Doesn't have:Searches to ensure that certain wordsaren'tin the body of the message. ...