点击“More Setting”,弹出”Internet E-mail setting”对话框,选择”Advance” Table,进行如下设置: 步骤五: 选择”Outgoing Server” Tab,做如下设置 步骤六: Account Setting对话框中Click "new..."按钮,就如"Add New Email Account"对话框,选择第一个选项。 步骤七: Click “Next”,选择"Manually cinfigure...
Microsoft® Outlook, Microsoft® Outlook Express, and other POP3 e-mail software. The outgoing mail server needs SSL support, so make sure your email client software supports SSL connections over the SMTP protocol
To setup your email client for working with your Yahoo account, you need to select the POP3 protocol and use the following mail server settings: Yahoo Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.mail.yahoo.com (SSL enabled, port 465) Yahoo Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - smtp.mail.yahoo.com (SSL...
3:SmtpClient mailClient =newSmtpClient(); 4:mailClient.EnableSsl =true; 5:MailMessage message =newMailMessage(ADDRESS_FROM, ADDRESS_TO,"This is a subject","This is the body of the mail"); 6:mailClient.Send(message); 7:Console.WriteLine("Mail has been sent to '{0}'", ADDRESS_TO);...
选择”Forwarding and POP” Tab中选中Enable POP for all mail (even mail that's already been downloaded) 选项。 步骤三 在Outlook中,通过Tools->Options->Mail Setup->Email accounts进入Account Setting对话框。如果你已经有了一个Account,那么在第一个tab “Email”中更新的该Account。进行如下设置。如果你需...
1、打开\"Server Information(服务器信息)\"页面,选中\"My server requires authentication(我的服务器要求身份验证)\"旁边的框。2、在\"Incoming mail server (POP3)(所接收邮件服务器 (POP3))\"字段中,输入\"pop.gmail.com\"。3、在\"Outgoing mail server (SMTP)(外发邮件服务器 (SMTP...
Incoming Server Name: imap.gmail.com Incoming Server Port: 993 Use SSL (required): Yes Email: Your full email address Username: Your full email address Password: Your email password Click the image to view at full size Outgoing Server Outgoing Server Name: smtp.gmail.com Use Authentication:...
the outgoing mail server SMTP that requires TLS, type insmtp.gmail.com. For port, you can use either 587 or 465. Select Yes for both the Requires SSL and Requires authentication settings. If there is any other setting required, use the same ones you supplied for the incoming mail server....
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server: smtp.gmail.com TLS加密连接所需端口:587 SSL加密连接所需端口:465 为了正确配置Gmail邮箱,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 打开任意浏览器,进入Gmail官网(https://www.gmail.com/)。 输入您的Gmail邮箱地址和密码,点击“登录”按钮。
Without SSL:This will be your domain name preceded bymail. With SSL:This will be your server's hostname. Go to your control panel if you don't know your server's hostname. On the left side, you will see a section calledstats. Click the expand stats link if it is present. The hos...