If you are using Microsoft Outlook & the Outlook Connector, you can define your Hotmail account just like any regular POP3 email account: Hotmail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop3.live.com (logon using Secure Password Authentification - SPA, mail server port: 995) Hotmail Outgoing Mail Serv...
gmail的smtp采用了ssl连接: Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - requires TLS: smtp.gmail.com (use authentication) Use Authentication: Yes Use STARTTLS: Yes (some clients call this SSL) Port: 465 or 587 知道了gmail的发信细节,用System.Net.Mail,就是下面这段代码就可以了 gmail的smtp采用了ssl连接: Out...
For the Outgoing MailServer settingsor SMTP that requires TLS or SSL, typesmtp.gmail.com. When it asks if you’ll use authentication, select Yes. The port used for TLS/STATTLS is 587. For SSS, the port number should be 465. The Server Timeouts setting should be more than one minute. ...
通过Gmail,你只能以你登录到SMTP Server的Account的名义对外发信,以上面为例,我以” MyAccount”最为Gmail的Account登录,向Email address 为to@gmail.com发送邮件,虽然在SmtpClient.Send方法中的我指定的From address为from@gail.com,当收信人受到该邮件的时候,邮件的发件人是MyAccount@gail.com,不会为from@gail....
Outgoing Mail Server - use the SMTP mail server address provided by your local ISP or smtp.gmail.com (TLS enabled, port 587) MSN Mail Settings The MSN email service allows you to use the MSN POP3 and SMTP servers to access your MSN mailbox. ...
Are you having a problem sending email or looking for a reliable SMTP server? AuthSMTP is the outgoing SMTP email service for your e-commerce website, mailing list or email program. It works on most current computers or devices and solves many of the common problems with sending email such...
Subject Subject string Subject of the outgoing email. Body Body html Body of the outgoing email. Importance Importance string Importance associated with the email message. Name Name True string Title of the attachment. Content ContentBytes True byte Body of the attachment. Content-Type ContentTy...
者的email地址,那么在打开一个谈话之后点击’More Options’然后点 ‘Show original’。 ‘Show original’ 显示信件的全部头信息。 --- • Gmail 用其他语言可用么? 回答: 还不能,请留下来为将来Gmail初次提供你所选择的语言时进行调试。 --- 管理邮件 组织您的收件箱 •被存档的邮件是怎么...
选择POP作为您使用的接收邮件server类型。在Incoming Server(接收邮件server)字段中输入pop.gmail.com。 将Outgoing Server(发送server)设置为smtp.gmail.com,然后点击Next(下一步)。 在Incoming User Name(接收username)和Outgoing User Name(外发username)字段中输入您的 Gmail username(包含@gmail.com),并点击Next(下...
Outgoing Server Name: smtp.gmail.com Use Authentication: Yes Use STARTTLS: Yes (some email clients call this SSL) Use Encrypted Connection (SSL or TLS/STARTTLS): Yes Outgoing Server Port: 465 or 587 If you're using these settings and you're still unable to access your email, please contac...