IMAP服务器地址: Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server: imap.gmail.com SSL加密连接所需端口:993 POP服务器地址: Incoming Mail (POP) Server: pop.gmail.com SSL加密连接所需端口:995 SMTP服务器地址: Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server: smtp.gmail.com TLS加密连接所需端口:587 SSL加密连接所需端口:465 为了正确配置G...
首先,你需要进入"Server Information"(服务器信息)页面,并勾选"Authentication required"(需要身份验证)选项。接下来,你需要在"Incoming mail server (POP3)"字段中输入"pop.***.com",这是你的接收邮件服务器地址。然后,转到"Outgoing mail server (SMTP)"部分,输入"smtp.***.com",这是用...
1、打开\"Server Information(服务器信息)\"页面,选中\"My server requires authentication(我的服务器要求身份验证)\"旁边的框。2、在\"Incoming mail server (POP3)(所接收邮件服务器 (POP3))\"字段中,输入\"pop.gmail.com\"。3、在\"Outgoing mail server (SMTP)(外发邮件服务器 (SMTP...
1、打开"Server Information(服务器信息)"页面,选中"My server requires authentication(我的服务器要求身份验证)"旁边的框。2、在"Incoming mail server (POP3)(所接收邮件服务器 (POP3))"字段中,输入"pop.gmail.com"。3、在"Outgoing mail server (SMTP)(外发邮件服务器 (SMTP))"字段中,...
To use the Google Gmail SMTP server, use the following information: Google Gmail Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.gmail.com The Gmail SMTP server requires authentication (use the same settings as for the incoming mail server) The Google Gmail SMTP Server requires an encrypted connection (SSL...
that were directed at the Gmail accounts of Chinesehuman rightsactivists and foreign journalists working in China. In some cases the accounts had been reconfigured to forward all incoming and outgoing e-mail to unfamiliar addresses. Google’s immediate response was to change Gmail’sprotocolfrom the...
Gmail IMAP Mail Server Settings :- If you need to set-up Gmail for an IMAP mail server, simply follow the steps below. For the incoming mail server or IMAP that requires SSL, type inimap.gmail.com. Use port 993 and select Yes for the Requires SSL setting. ...
Incoming mail server:imap.gmail.com Outgoing e-mail server name smtp.gmail.com Windows Mail 要设置 Windows Mail 客户端处理 Gmail,请按以下步骤操作:打开 Windows Mail,如果这是您第一次使用 Windows Mail,将弹出向导;如果不是,仅需点击"工具 > 帐户 > 添加"。输入您的姓名。输入完整 ...
选择POP作为您使用的接收邮件server类型。在Incoming Server(接收邮件server)字段中输入pop.gmail.com。 将Outgoing Server(发送server)设置为smtp.gmail.com,然后点击Next(下一步)。 在Incoming User Name(接收username)和Outgoing User Name(外发username)字段中输入您的 Gmail username(包含@gmail.com),并点击Next(下...